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By: Bertram G. Katzung MD, PhD

  • Professor Emeritus, Department of Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco


The liver plays a iii) hepatomegaly of various etiologies; central role in carbohydrate metabolism order 2 mg tizanidine amex muscle relaxant for stiff neck. Blood glucose level iv) splenomegaly of unknown cause; is lowered in fulminant acute hepatic necrosis generic 2mg tizanidine visa muscle relaxant patch. Bilirubin pigment has abnormalities which may be nonspecific immunologic reachigh affinity for elastic tissue and hence jaundice is tions or may be antibodies against specific etiologic agents buy tizanidine 2mg mastercard spasms right side under rib cage. These Jaundice is the result of elevated levels of bilirubin in the include the following: blood termed hyperbilirubinaemia purchase tizanidine 2 mg overnight delivery spasms leg. Normal serum bilirubin i) Smooth muscle antibody to actin component of muscle is concentration ranges from 0. Jaundice becomes clinically evident when appears that hepatocytes have a protein which is the total serum bilirubin exceeds 2 mg/dl. Before considering the features and types of jaundice, it iii) Antinuclear antibody is present in some patients of chrois essential to review the normal bilirubin metabolism. These vary according to the etiologic agent causing the liver Normal metabolism of bilirubin can be conveniently cell injury. The destruction of effete erythrocytes at the end of their normal lifespan of 120 days 597 takes place in the reticuloendothelial system in the bone marrow, spleen and liver. The remaining 15-20% of the bilirubin comes partly from non-haemoglobin haemcontaining pigments such as myoglobin, catalase and cytochromes, and partly from ineffective erythropoiesis. Bilirubin on release from macrophages circulates as unconjugated bilirubin in plasma tightly bound to albumin. Certain drugs such as sulfonamides and salicylates compete with bilirubin for albumin binding and displace bilirubin from albumin, thus facilitating bilirubin to enter into the brain in neonates and increase the risk of kernicterus. On coming in contact with the hepatocyte surface, unconjugated bilirubin is preferentially metabolised which involves 3 steps: hepatic uptake, conjugation and secretion in bile. Conjugated bilirubin is bound to albumin in two forms: reversible and irreversible. Reversible binding is similar to the major differences between unconjugated and that of unconjugated bilirubin. This irreversible conjugated delta more of the following mechanisms: bilirubin is not excreted by the kidney, and remains 1. Increased bilirubin production detectable in serum for sufficient time after recovery from 2. Decreased hepatic conjugation iii) Secretion into bile: Conjugated (water-soluble) bilirubin 4. Decreased excretion of bilirubin into bile is rapidly transported directly into bile canaliculi by energyAccordingly, a simple age-old classification of jaundice dependent process and then excreted into the bile. However, bilirubin in the intestinal lumen is followed by either direct hyperbilirubinaemia due to first three mechanisms is mainly excretion in the stool as stercobilinogen which imparts the unconjugated while the last variety yields mainly conjugated normal yellow colour to stool, or may be metabolised to hyperbilirubinaemia. Hence, currently pathophysiologic urobilinogen by the action of intestinal bacteria. Conjugated classification of jaundice is based on predominance of the bilirubin is normally not reabsorbable whereas its metabolic type of hyperbilirubinaemia. A simple test to determine product, urobilinogen, is reabsorbed from the small intestine whether hyperbilirubinaemia is of unconjugated or and reaches enterohepatic circulation. Some of the absorbed conjugated variety is to determine whether bilirubin is urobilinogen in resecreted by the liver into the bile while present in urine or not; its absence in urine suggests the rest is excreted in the urine as urobilinogen. Affinity to brain tissue Present (Kernicterus) Absent bilirubin is not filtered by the glomerulus. Predominantly Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinaemia when the capacity of the liver to conjugate large amount of bilirubin is exceeded. In premature infants, the liver is defithis form of jaundice can result from the following three sets cient in enzyme necessary for conjugation while the rate of of conditions: red cell destruction is high. This results in icterus neonatorum which is particularly severe in haemolytic disease of the newborn due to maternal isoantibodies (Chapter 13. Increased bilirubin production (Haemolytic, acholuric or unconjugated bilirubin exceeds 20 mg/dl. Bile pigment being unconjugated type is absent � Drugs from urine (acholuric jaundice. However, there is dark � Prolonged starvation brown colour of stools due to excessive faecal excretion of � Sepsis bile pigment and increased urinary excretion of urobilinogen. Gilberts syndrome, Crigler-Najjar bilirubin by the hepatocyte that involves dissociation of the syndrome) pigment from albumin and its binding to cytoplasmic � Acquired defects (e. Intrahepatic cholestasis (Impaired hepatic excretion) mechanism involves deranged hepatic conjugation due to � Hereditary disorders or pure cholestasis (e. Gilberts syndrome and Crigler-Najjar syndrome), or cholestatic jaundice of pregnancy) acquired defects in its activity (e. However, hepatocellular damage causes deranged hepatitis, drugs, alcohol-induced injury, sepsis, cirrhosis) excretory capacity of the liver more than its conjugating 2. A, Intrahepatic cholestasis is characterised by elongated bile plugs in the canaliculi of hepatocytes at the periphery of the lobule. B, Extrahepatic cholestasis shows characteristic bile lakes due to rupture of canaliculi in the hepatocytes in the centrilobular area. Predominantly Conjugated Hyperbilirubinaemia Liver biopsy in cases with intrahepatic cholestasis reveals (Cholestasis) milder degree of cholestasis than the extrahepatic disorders (Fig.

Technicon Instruments introduced dark field optical scanning in the 1960s tizanidine 2 mg discount muscle relaxant drugs, and Ortho Diagnostics systems followed with a laser-based optical instrument in the 1970s generic tizanidine 2 mg with amex muscle relaxant kidney stones. Optical scatter generic tizanidine 2mg visa spasms constipation, utilizing both laser and nonlaser light purchase 2mg tizanidine otc spasms hamstring, is frequently used on todays hematology instrumentation. Cells suspended in an eclectically conductive diluent such as saline are pulled through an aperture (orifice) in a glass tube. In the counting chamber, or transducer assembly, low-frequency electrical current is applied between an external electrode (suspended in the cell dilution) and an internal electrode (housed inside the aperture tube. Electrical resistance between the two electrodes, or impedance in the current, occurs as the cells pass through the sensing aperture, causing voltage pulses that are measurable. Oscilloscope screens on some instruments display the pulses that are generated by the cells as they interrupt the current. The size of the voltage pulse is directly proportional to the size (volume) of the cell, thus allowing discrimination and counting of specific-sized cells through the use of threshold circuits. Pulses are collected and sorted (channelized) according to their amplitude by pulse height analyzers. The data are plotted on a frequency distribution graph, or size distribution histogram, with relative number on the y-axis and size (channel number 455 Hematology equivalent to specific size) on the x-axis. Size thresholds separate the cell populations on the histogram, with the count being the cells enumerated between the lower and upper set thresholds for each population. Size distribution histograms may be used for the evaluation of one cell population or subgroups within a population. Optical scatter Optical scatter may be used as the primary methodology or in combination with other methods. In optical scatter systems (flow cytometers), a hydro-dynamically focused sample stream is directed through a quartz flow cell past a focused light source. The light source is generally a tungsten-halogen lamp or a helium-neon laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser light, termed monochromatic light since it is 456 Hematology emitted as a single wavelength, differs from bright field light in its intensity, its coherence. These characteristics allow for the detection interference in the laser beam and enable enumeration and differentiation of cell types. As the cells pass through the sensing zone and interrupt the beam, light is scattered in all directions. Light scatter results form the interaction between the processes of absorption, (diffraction bending around corners or surface of cell), refraction (bending because of a change in speed), and reflection (backward rays caused by obstruction. Lenses fitted with blocker bars to prevent nonscattered light from entering the detector are used to collect the scattered light. A series of filters and mirrors separate the varying wavelengths and present them to the photo detectors. Photodiodes convert light photons to electronic signals proportional in magnitude to the amount of light collected. Analog-todigital converters change the electronic pulses to digital signals for computer analysis. Forward-angle light scatter (0 degrees) correlates with cell volume or size, primarily because of diffraction of light. Orthogonal light scatter (90 degrees), or side scatter, results form refraction and reflection of light from larger structures inside the cell and correlates with degree of internal complexity. Forward low-angle scatter (2-3 degrees) and forward high-angle scatter (5-15 degrees) also correlate with cell volume and refractive index or with internal complexity, respectively. Differential scatter is the combination of this lowand high-angle forward light scatter, primarily utilized on Bayer systems for cellular analysis. The angles of light scatter measure by the different flow cytometers are manufacturer and method specific. In most cases it is due to a mutation in factor V in which Arg 506 is replaced with Gln (factor V Leiden. Acute leukemia A malignant hematopoietic stem cell disorder characterized by proliferation and accumulation of immature and nonfunctional hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow and other organs. Peripheral blood smear reveals the presence of many undifferentiated or minimally differentiated cells. Acute phase reactant Plasma protein that rises rapidly in response to inflammation, infection, or tissue injury. This plasma is one of the reagents used in the substitution studies to determine a specific factor deficiency. Afibrinogenemia A condition in which there is absence of fibrinogen in the peripheral blood. It may be caused by a mutation in the gene controlling the production of fibrinogen or by an acquired condition in which fibrinogen is pathologically converted to fibrin. This serum is one of the reagents used in the substitution studies to determine a specific factor deficiency. Agglutinate Clumping together of erythrocytes as a result of interactions between membrane antigens and specific antibodies. Aggregating reagent Chemical substance (agonist) that promotes platelet activation and aggregation by attaching to a receptor on the platelets surface. Aleukemic leukemia Leukemia in which the abnormal malignant cells are found only in the bone marrow. Alloimmune hemolytic A hemolytic anemia generated when blood cells anemia from one person are infused into a genetically unrelated person. Antigens on the infused donor cells are recognized as foreign by the recipients lymphocytes, stimulating the production of antibodies.

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Results showed epidural stenumber of injections ranging from one to 5 for one year cheap 2mg tizanidine visa spasms or twitches, roid injections to provide modest short-term pain relief with significantly better results in the successful group discount tizanidine 2mg visa muscle relaxant nerve stimulator, for some adults with lumbosacral radiculopathy tizanidine 2mg on line muscle relaxant non-prescription. The and performed in contemporary interventional pain mandisadvantages of the study include short-term followagement settings generic tizanidine 2mg muscle relaxant 2. Among the non-fluoroscopic evaluations, there were 4 studies with more than 100 patients undergoing interventions (807,910,912,914. Tables 7 and 8 of the systematic review (31) show characteristics of the included studies. Based on the evaluations separating fluoroscopically guided versus nonfluoroscopic evaluations, the results were positive for short-term relief in 5 trials performed under fluoroscopy (239,242,775,799,918,919); whereas, they were undetermined or not applicable in 2 trials (908,921. Among the trials evaluating long-term relief, there were 4 trials evaluating relief of 6 months or longer (239,242,775,799,919) and 2 trials evaluating outcomes for longer than one year (239,242,799. Among these, 4 trials showed positive results (239,242,775,799,919); whereas, in one trial, the results were undetermined or not applicable (921. Among the studies evaluating at least a one year follow-up, 2 trials showed positive results (239,242,799); whereas, one trial showed results that were undetermined or not applicable (921. In contrast, with blind randomized trials, the results were highly mixed due to various issues involved. Some of the issues related to providing only one injection or providing injections of 3 in a series and following through with a one-year follow-up. With one injection, one could expect relief of 3 to 4 weeks, however, no more than 3 months. Thus, the follow-up after 3 months does not indicate improvement except for the rare patients who show long-term relief. Overall, of 10 randomized trials with at least moderate methodological quality, 7 of them showed short-term positive results (909S84 However, the new study (928) not included in the latest systematic results were uniformly negative after 3 months or not review by Benyamin et al (31. The analysis was perwhich showed positive results comparing prednisone formed poorly based on an incorrect hypothesis. There were only 69 patients receiving epidural steroid injection; thus, the results may not be applied to 1. Consequently, the study failed to meet inclusion axial or lumbar discogenic pain are illustrated in Table criteria. There were 3 studies meeting the inclusion criteThere were 5 randomized trials (244,915, ria (243,800,922,923), with one duplicate (243,800. It included ing the effectiveness of lumbar interlaminar epidural 120 patients with one year follow-up showing posiinjections in spinal stenosis. However, none of the well tive results, both with local anesthetic and steroids conducted studies utilized 100 or more patients. There performed in a contemporary interventional pain were 2 randomized trials performed under fluorosmanagement practice. The study by Manchikanti et al (244) were non-randomized; however, they were performed was a preliminary report showing positive results with under fluoroscopy. There were no placebo-controlled local anesthetic as well as steroids for central stenosis trials evaluating axial or discogenic pain. The only in a contemporary interventional pain management randomized trial also excluded facet joint or sacroiliac practice. The other randomized fluoroscopically guidjoint pain prior to epidural injections (243,800. The trial showed positive results with 60 patients in both one non-randomized fluoroscopically guided study groups after exclusion of facet joint or sacroiliac joint (927) showed short-term positive results. This was a large trial in a contemporary interterm basis, the results were also positive for 6 months ventional pain management practice with an activeor longer in one study (244. Short-term results were positive with blind the injections being performed one to 3 not based on epidural for spinal stenosis with a small number of return of pain. However, only one study randomized studies (922,923), the randomized trial and by Manchikanti et al (244) evaluated long-term followone non-randomized study showed positive results for up with positive results. The third study (922), performed under fluoroscopy (927), was positive in the which was non-randomized, showed undetermined reshort-term. This study was Among the randomized trials without fluoroscopy, positive both in the short-term and long-term. For lumbar disc herniation with radiculitis, based on Other complications include increased pain, seizures, 5 of 7 positive randomized trials for short-term relief and chemical meningitis, dural puncture, disc puncture, sub4 of 6 positive randomized trials performed under fluodural air, pneumocephalus, transient blindness, retinal roscopy, the evidence is good for short-term and longnecrosis, chorioretinopathy, hiccups, flushing, and arteterm relief with steroids and fair with local anesthetic. Considering the blind trials (without fluoroscopy), the major theoretical complications of corticosteroid the evidence continues to be good for short-term relief administration include suppression of pituitary adrenal with positive results in 8 of the 10 studies with local axis, hypercorticism, Cushings syndrome, osteoporoanesthetic and steroids. However, for long-term relief, sis, avascular necrosis of the bone, steroid myopathy, the results in the majority of the studies are negative epidural lipomatosis, weight gain, fluid retention, and or undetermined, with positive results in only 2 trials hyperglycemia (870,878,899,934,962. Manchikanti et al (899), in evaluating 10,000 fluoroscopically guided epidural injections, showed 1. Finally, radiation exposure is also a potential problem with damage to eyes, skin, and gonads (889,966. Favorable evidence has also placement or drug administration (8,116,131,760been described in other manuscripts (114,856,857,973762,763,764,769,773,845,856-885,887-894,897-906,932977. Multiple infectious complications including dence for transforaminal epidural injections for lumbar epidural abscess, meningitis, and osteomyelitis/discitis radicular pain in post surgery syndrome (808,968-971. One potentially There were no studies evaluating transforaminal episerious complication of the epidural injection is epidural injections in spinal stenosis meeting the inclusion dural hematomas in patients with or without evidence criteria (968.

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Discharge Criteria All other fractures may be discharged with orthopedic follow-up in 2�3 wk to evaluate healing generic 2mg tizanidine mastercard muscle relaxers not working. Issues for Referral Patient copies of any radiographs obtained may facilitate early follow-up generic tizanidine 2mg with amex spasms jaw. Simple nondisplaced fractures of the small toes may often be followed by primary care physicians purchase 2 mg tizanidine free shipping muscle relaxant topical. Phalanges account for 1 of the most frequently fractured parts of the skeletal system with the distal phalanx being the most commonly fractured bone in the hand purchase 2 mg tizanidine visa muscle relaxant chlorzoxazone side effects. Dorsal displacement of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the finger is the most frequent dislocation. Pediatric Considerations Injuries may be more difficult to diagnose in children who are unable to cooperate for a full exam. Hyperflexion injury to the tip of digits may cause Mallet finger injury with avulsion fracture at the insertion of the extensor tendon on the distal phalanx. May awaken with the finger locked in the palm, with gradual unlocking as the day progresses. Pediatric Considerations In an infant with a painful or swollen digit, it is important to consider a deeply embedded hair tourniquet that may not be readily obvious on superficial exam. Pediatric Considerations Open epiphyses make radiographic interpretation less sensitive. Beware of lacerations over dorsal metacarpal�phalangeal areas, which may be fight bites (human bites. Pediatric Considerations Many fractures in children are torus (buckle) fractures of the phalanges. The growth plates are typically weaker than the surrounding ligaments, thus dislocations are commonly accompanied by Salter�Harris fractures. Reduction may be successful but prompt the physician to miss significant ligamentous injuries. Dislocations or severely deformed fractures producing vascular compromise should be reduced immediately to a neutral position and immobilized. Volar dislocation: Provide longitudinal traction and gently hyperflex while pushing the base of the dislocated phalanx into place. Lateral dislocation: Provide longitudinal traction and gently hyperextend the joint while correcting the ulnar or radial deformity. Gently distract the affected digit and apply volar pressure to the base of the dislocated proximal phalanx. Open fracture: Immediate referral to a hand surgeon for treatment within 4�6 hr after trauma. Prophylactic antibiotics directed against gram-positive and gram-negative organisms should be administered parenterally within 6 hr. Middle phalanx: Nondisplaced stable fractures can be buddy taped to an adjacent digit. Displaced/angulated fractures may be reduced (using longitudinal traction with 3-point pressure to align the fragment) and immobilized (buddy tape and ulnar/radial gutter splint. Proximal phalanx: A nondisplaced, nonangulated, stable injury can be buddy taped to an adjacent finger; ulnar/radial gutter or Burkhalter splint may be added for comfort. Do not attempt to reduce any displaced fractures before splinting because any reduction is unlikely to be maintained without surgery; refer for urgent orthopedic consult. A metal or thermoplastic finger splint can be used if buddy taping is unsuccessful. Subungual hematoma: Nail trephination using a heated paper clip, electric cautery, or an 18G needle. This injury does not have to be treated as an open injury unless there is an underlying tuft fracture. Splint the eponychium and germinal matrix with the avulsed nail or small piece of gauze or foil to avoid adhesions. Open distal and volar directed fingertip wounds with no protruding bone and smaller than 1 cm may be allowed to heal by secondary intention. Antibiotics: Not indicated for simple clean wounds For grossly contaminated injury, puncture wounds, or infectious tenosynovitis therapy should be tailored to specific pathogen exposure (e. Always check for stability postreduction by having patient perform active range of motion and checking a postreduction x-ray. Corticosteroids for pain relief in sore throat: Systemic review and meta-analysis. Empirical validation of guidelines for the management of pharyngitis in children and adults. Careful physical exam for occult trauma Exclude other causes of altered mental status. Physical restraints for violent patient Sedation: Benzodiazepines Butyrophenones (haloperidol) theoretically can lower the seizure threshold. Adequate chemical restraints with benzodiazepines are needed to prevent excessive muscular activity leading to rhabdomyolysis. False-positive urine phencyclidine immunoassay screen result caused by interference by tramadol and its metabolites. Phenytoin level: After oral overdose, the peak plasma concentration may not be reached until 24 hr or more post acute ingestion. Absorption differs with various oral preparations and manufacturers Repeat levels every 4 hr until levels have peaked and continue to steadily decline. Free phenytoin level may be required in patients who are hypoalbuminemic or patients who are poor metabolizers. Prior to complete conversion to phenytoin, immunoanalytic techniques may overestimate plasma phenytoin concentrations due to cross-reactivity with fosphenytoin. Multiple-dose activated charcoal may increase the clearance of phenytoin; does not correlate with clinical improvement in patients with phenytoin toxicity.

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