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By: William A. Weiss, MD, PhD

  • Professor, Neurology UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA


The effects of lesions depend both on age at insult and time since insult in complex ways rashfree 20g line. Lesions acquired before the establishment of the normal function of the affected region can be relatively silent purchase rashfree 20g mastercard. Conversely buy cheap rashfree 20g, the effects of a lesion acquired in early childhood to buy rashfree 20g mastercard a region of the brain still developmentally �silent� may remain hidden until the region�s function can be assessed clinically (see b p. A less common perspective relates to the classical concept of the �momentum� of a lesion. A very slowly developing lesion (such as a low grade tumour) may be clinically very silent as the surrounding brain has time to �accommodate� its presence. Conversely, pronounced clinical manifestations imply a �high momentum� lesion of recent onset and rapid evolution. If such an extensive lesion is relatively clinically silent, it has been there a long time and developed slowly. William Osler Speci c questions relevant to particular presentations are dealt with in Chapter 3. Some general points � An accurate history often contributes far more to successful diagnosis and management than either examination or investigation. It may be important to revisit aspects of the history in light of the examination or investigation ndings. Hearing your experiences retold as a coherent story can help make sense of the experience. Knowing that the story is similar to others that the doctor has heard, and that he/she will be able to make additional �sense� of it is a bonus. Young children can, however, be very in uenced by perceptions of what they �ought� or �ought not� to be saying. History of presenting complaint � Hear what was said, not what you thought was said!. If, for some reason, other aspects are important in your assessment you need to explain why. For very long-term pictures, it may be more useful to start with the present situation and ll in backwards. If ability is not demonstrably improving with time, consider whether it may be regressing. Developmental history Some less commonly emphasized, but useful, developmental milestones, particularly of early cognitive/linguistic development: � Hand regard (prolonged periods of fascinated observation of hands): an important prelude to the establishment of hand use, seen at about 3�5 months, followed by foot regard (holding feet and bringing them into view) several weeks later. The model is undoubtedly somewhat over-simplistic, and more relevant to educational theory than clinical development assessment. However, some insights (such as the prevalence of �magical thinking� and the imbuing of inanimate objects with personalities in the pre-operational phase) are clinically valuable. Beyond the easily recognized gestalts of Down, Angelman, and other syndromes, it is probably wisest to seek specialist opinions from clinical genetics colleagues. Computer databases of neurogenetic and dysmorphic syndromes can be useful, but require care to ensure the most informative �handles� have been entered. Head circumference measurement See the relevant sections for assessment of abnormal head size (see b p. Conscious level Consciousness infers both arousal (not asleep) and awareness of events. Orientation also implies return of awareness, registration and recall of events around one (�who came to visit you this morning. Attention and concentration Two-, three and four-year-olds should be able to recall immediately 2, 3 and 4 digit sequences (forward), respectively. Between 5 and 10 yrs of age, 5�6 digits forward and 3�4 digits reversed are typical. Memory � Retrograde: recall of birthdays, ages, family member, and pet names, meanings of simple words. Frontal lobe function Relatively selective impairment of executive function is common after traumatic brain injury and may be an early indicator of cognitive regres sion. It is not normally fully established until mid-adolescence, however, so these tests are not useful in younger children. Put your dominant hand down on the table or your thigh repeatedly, rst in a st, then ulnar side down with extended ngers, then palm down. Word generation (�name as many animals/ words beginning with F as you can in 1 min�). Cognitive �syndromes� Frontal lobe function De cits in attention, impulsivity, perseveration (�stuck in a groove�), mis construes sarcasm, irony. Good at super cial social �chit-chat� (over-learned), but poor �emotional intelligence�. Temporal lobe dysfunction � Language dysfunction (receptive or expressive dysphasia) in dominant temporal lobe disease: visual eld defect (superior, contralateral quadrantanopia). Parietal lobe dysfunction Poor 2-point discrimination, graphaesthesia (interpretation of letters drawn on the hand) or shape discrimination (identi cation of a coin or paper clip in the contralateral hand particularly in non-dominant lobe disease). It is, however, very language-orientated, with relatively limited testing of memory, visuospatial function, or executive skills (see Box 1. To assess this formally, rst check nostril patency (sniff with the other nostril occluded) then use pleasant odours (chocolate, etc. Very irri tant odours can be detected somatically by the nasal mucosa (trigeminal nerve).


  • Animal dander (especially cats)
  • Understands and is able to follow several directions in a row
  • Loose joints
  • Has it increased recently?
  • If possible ask someone to help you examine your body for ticks.
  • Is the child developing normal social skills and physical skills?

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Tere are more �environmental refugees� (25 million) than �political refugees� (22 million) discount rashfree 20g on-line. By 2010 generic rashfree 20g without prescription, the number of �environmental refugees� is expected to rashfree 20g lowest price grow to cheap 20g rashfree amex 50 million and could reach as high as 150 million by 2050. Most of these refugees are uprooted by gradual environmental shifts such as desertifcation, diminishing water supplies, and rising sea levels. In the 1990s, disasters such as hurricanes, foods, and fres caused over $608 billion in economic losses worldwide, an amount greater than during the previous four decades. Changing climates will negatively impact food production�making drought-prone regions especially vulnerable to food shortages and �food riots. Ground level ozone sends an estimated 53,000 persons to the hospital, 159,000 to the emergency room and triggers 6,200,000 asthma attacks each summer in the eastern half of the United States. Sociological Perspectives on Global Climate Change 51 Appendix 3: Workshop Papers Approximately 600,000 deaths occurred world-wide as a result of weather-related natural disasters in the 1990s; and some 95 percent of these were in poor countries. Many diseases are highly sensitive to changing temperatures and precipitation, including vector-borne diseases such as malaria, cholera, diarrhea, dengue fever, Rift Valley fever, plague, and emerging infectious diseases such as hantavirus, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, and West Nile virus. Variable precipitation can compromise the supply of freshwater�increasing risk of food-borne and water-borne diseases. Nearly one-third of the world�s population lives with chronic water shortages that directly threaten human health, agriculture and economic development. Scientists predict an increase in global �resource wars� breaking out as potable water and oil become scarce and as price escalates. The environmental justice movement was born in response to environmental injustices and the failure of government and the political system to respond fairly and equitably to social, economic, and health disparities resulting from industrial activity. Environmental sociology and disaster research felds, and the mainstream environmental and conservation movement for that matter, overwhelmingly dominated by whites, were slow to acknowledge the concept of environmental racism and apply the environmental justice paradigm to their research protocol and to real world environmental problems that confront low income, people of color, and other vulnerable populations. As a result, an entire feld and movement (environmental justice), with race and social equity emphases at the center, was built to fll this research, policy, education, community outreach, and organizing gap. Similar parallels hold true for the Climate Change Movement which emerged largely out of the mainstream environment and conservation movement. Because those most afected do not for the most part have a voice at the research, policy, and legislative table in shaping national strategies to address climate change, a parallel Climate Justice Movement has emerged from the convergence of climate change and environmental justice. This relatively new movement, with its diverse allies of researchers, scientists, educators, health professionals, analysts, planners, community activists, and others, has much to ofer the nation in resolving climate change and many of the �legacy� problems that have resulted from industrial policies and human settlement patterns. Sociological research is needed to better inform and provide data-based support for the response to climate change that include research on the association between climate change and public health (including mental health), scenario development to forecast health impacts and vulnerabilities, and development and testing of strategies to reduce risk. The issue of �who gets left behind before and after disasters strikes and why� is a core climate justice research and policy question. As seen in Hurricane Katrina that hit the Gulf Coast in 2005, the efects of climate change fell heaviest on the poor and people of color. The deadly pattern of climate change is also likely fall disproportionately on the poor and people of color across the U. A growing body of research supports the notion that the government response to Hurricane Katrina and the response to the subsequent fooding of New Orleans were not a fuke. Generally, research has been spotty on the impact of race on post-disaster relief, recovery, rebuilding, and reconstruction�particularly in southern the United States with its unique legacy of slavery, �Jim Crow� segregation, and entrenched white supremacy. Place is racialized with benefts, resources, and opportunities unevenly distributed across the landscape. Businesses and 52 Workshop Proceedings Appendix 3: Workshop Papers employers are keenly aware of and contribute to racialized place. Although illegal, redlining practices used by insurance companies, banks, and mortgage companies are built largely around racialized zip codes. Historically, racialized place buttressed Jim Crow and translated into white neighborhoods receiving libraries, streets lighting, police and fr protection, paved roads, sewer and water lines, garbage pick-up, swimming pools, and food control measures years before black neighborhoods received these tax-supported services. Disasters highlight the problem non-drivers and transit-dependents residents face everyday. Transportation planners and social researchers fail �special needs� population before and after man-made and natural disasters strike. As in the case of Hurricane Katrina and similar disasters, emergency transportation planners generally fail the �most vulnerable� of our society, individuals without cars, non-drivers, disabled, sick persons, elderly, and children. Sociological research is needed to answer other key questions: Will government response to climate change be fair. What lessons can be learned from environmental justice research, policy, and community organizing and their applicability to climate change work. Sociological Perspectives on Global Climate Change 53 54 Workshop Proceedings Appendix 3: Workshop Papers Penelope Canan University of Central Florida Ideas and Methods that Sociology Can Contribute to Climate Change Studies What do we know: What does Sociology bring to the table for studying the human dimensions of global climate change. Communities, both as places and as afliations, are arenas of social learning as well as spaces of contest and change. For global warming, the challenge for sociologists is to bring knowledge of global societal-natural system processes down to communities of action and social regulation. I hope we can respond to public clamors for ethical, scientifc guidance in assessing a blizzard of competing and contradictory claims for lightening the carbon footprint of the (especially) American human community. It is a revolutionary time and our discipline cut its teeth on the �great upheaval� of the industrial revolution. During the current revolution, how can sociology frame the questions about climate change (Agrawala 2001) as well as contribute to solutions. I mean communities as places for de-carbonization, via communities of afliations among �de-carbonists,� efectively networked for principled leadership in sustainability communities. Human beings�the infuential species in the Anthropocene�live their entire lives in groups. Tese groups form communities that exist in both physical and social space simultaneously, in varying degree. However, the disciplines most directly involved in understanding human behavior, sociology, anthropology, psychology, were barely involved in defning the �Human Dimensions� of global environmental change.

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Behavioral Self-Management Quitting smoking generic rashfree 20g with amex, dieting cheap rashfree 20g without a prescription, experiencing personal growth and development cheap 20g rashfree with mastercard, and sticking with an exercise regimen each involve the notion of self-control buy rashfree 20g lowest price. Regulating one�s own motivation has received some attention in the organizational literature. For example, a college student may cognitive processes, decide that it�s time to �buckle down� and begin applying himself to his courses with the hope causes, or consequences. Self-management is a process whereby a person is faced with immediate response alternatives. Self-management behavior may include personal perfor mance goals, self-instructions on how to achieve goals, self-administered consequences, a plan to behave in a particular manner, or a strategy for personally developing a set of skills. Indeed, this control is the basis for the notion of empowerment, a broad movement toward providing workers and teams with greater input into their jobs. Similar to the example above, when a student works hard all semester in a challenging course in college and ends up earning an A, he�s likely to feel that hard work pays off. Frederick Kanfer has proposed a three-stage model that has managerial application value. Being assigned to a new supervisor doesn�t happen every day, so it would be considered a nonroutine occurrence. The event would initiate such thoughts as: What does the new supervisor expect from me. Self evaluation (stage 2) would involve comparing the previous supervisor with the new one and deciding whether previous performance will be sufficient to impress the new supervisor. In stage 3, self-reinforcement, the person would exercise his own reinforcement for per forming at an acceptable level. Kanfer proposes that self-regulation occurs quickly and without much awareness by a person. The process of However, there�s a distinct difference in terms of the importance of cognitive processes in establishing goals. Goal-Setting Theory Since 1968, when Edwin Locke presented what�s now considered his classic paper,43 there has been considerable and growing interest in applying goal setting to organizational problems and issues. Locke proposed that goal setting was a cognitive process of some practical util conscious goals ity. His view was that an individual�s conscious goals and intentions are the primary deter Main goals that a person minants of behavior. That is, �one of the commonly observed characteristics of intentional is striving for and is behavior is that it tends to keep going until it reaches completion. Locke has used the notion of intentions and conscious goals to propose and provide research support for the thesis that harder conscious goals result in higher levels of performance if these goals are accepted by the individual. The Goal-Setting Process goal A goal is the object of an action; it�s what a person attempts to accomplish. For example, Specific target that an landing five new customers, training twenty new employees, cutting direct costs by individual is trying to $10,000, or decreasing absenteeism in a department by 12 percent is a goal. Many exam achieve; the target ples could be given of the successful use of goal-setting techniques in achieving important (object) of an action. Taylor has had a direct influence on the current thinking about goals and goal-setting practices. Locke stated that Taylor used assigned goals as one of his key techniques of scientific management. Each employee was assigned a challenging but attainable goal based on the results of time and motion study. Locke also carefully described the attributes of the mental (cognitive) processes of goal setting. The attributes he highlighted are goal specificity, goal difficulty, and goal intensity. Goal difficulty Degree of quantitative is the degree of proficiency or the level of performance sought. Each step needs to be carefully planned Amount of effort actually and implemented if goal setting is to be an effective motivational technique. Goal-Setting Research Locke�s 1968 paper contributed to a considerable increase in laboratory and field research on goal setting. Another force behind the increase in interest and research was the demand of managers for practical and specific techniques that they could apply in their organiza tions. They stated, If there is ever to be a viable candidate from the organizational sciences for elevation to the lofty status of a scientific law of nature, then the relationships between goal difficulty, specificity, commitment, and task performance are most worthy of serious consideration. Modi cations Mission, plan, Core steps and strategy Establishment of of company 1. Recycling Improved motivation to � Perform Anticipated � Plan goal-setting � Organize results � Control compared specific versus do-your-best goal-setting conditions. In fact, in 99 out of 100 studies reviewed by Locke and his associates, specific goals produced better results. Analysis of each trucker�s performance showed that the truckers often weren�t filling their trucks to the maximum allowable weight. For the three months in which underloading was being studied, trucks were seldom loaded in excess of 58 to 63 percent of capacity. Researchers believed that underloading resulted from management�s practice of simply instructing the truckers to do their best in loading the trucks.


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