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By: William A. Weiss, MD, PhD

  • Professor, Neurology UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

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She has written a book, Dementia from the Inside: A Doctor’s Personal Journey of Hope, which will be published later this year. So my routine is always to look at my computer, which tells me what I was the end of the world, should be doing that day. If you’ve had a severe stroke, well, you can choose for it to be the end of the world, or you can get up and do something about it. Alzheimer’s disease – Alzheimer’s disease is the most well-known form of dementia and accounts for 50-60% of all cases. It destroys brain cells and nerves disrupting the transmitters which carry messages in the brain, particularly those responsible for storing memories. Amyloid – a starch-like protein which is deposited in the liver, kidneys, spleen, or other tissues in certain diseases. Amyloid cascade hypothesis – proposes that excessive accumulation of amyloid-beta is the key event in Alzheimer›s disease. Having this gene is a risk factor for dementia but does not mean that Alzheimer’s Disease is certain. Beta-amyloid – an amyloid that is derived from a larger precursor protein and is the primary component of plaques characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease. Biomarkers – a naturally occurring molecule, gene, or characteristic by which a particular pathological or physiological process, disease, etc. Cancer – a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. Cardiovascular disease – a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels including coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Cardiovascular diseases are usually associated with a build-up of fatty deposits inside the arteries – known as atherosclerosis – and an increased risk of blood clots. Cerebrovascular disease – disease of the blood vessels including the arteries that supply the brain. Cholesterol and its derivatives are important constituents of cell membranes and precursors of other steroid compounds, but a high proportion in the blood of low-density lipoprotein (which transports cholesterol to the tissues) is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. Cognitive stimulation therapy – a treatment which aims to improve cognitive skills and quality of life of people with dementia through activities such as categorisation, word association and discussion of current affairs. Dementia – Dementia is a collective name for progressive brain syndromes which affect memory, thinking, behaviour and emotion. Dementia Discovery Fund – a specialist venture capital fund that invests in novel science to create meaningful new medicines for dementia whilst delivering an attractive return for the fund investors. Diabetes – a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood. The frontal lobe of the brain is particularly affected in early stages and can affect behaviour and personality. G7 (formerly G8) – a group consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, which together represent over 62% of global net wealth. As the virus destroys and impairs the function of immune cells, infected individuals gradually become immunodefcient. Hypertension – a condition in which the blood vessels have persistently raised pressure. Immunology – the branch of medicine and biology concerned with the immune system, including its structure and function, disorders of the immune system, blood banking, immunization, and organ transplantation. Incidence – the rate or probability of occurrence – for example a disease – within a population. In other words, the number of new cases of a disease occurring within a population. It takes its name from the abnormal collections of protein, known as Lewy bodies, which occur in the nerve cells of the brain. Half or more of people with Lewy body disease also develop signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Lumbar puncture – the procedure of taking fuid from the spine in the lower back through a hollow needle, usually done for diagnostic purposes. Malaria – a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes, called “malaria vectors. Mixed dementia – Mixed dementia refers to the condition where abnormalities characteristic of more than one type of dementia occur simultaneously. For example, individuals can have both Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia together. Monoclonal antibodies – an antibody produced by a single clone of cells or cell line and consisting of identical antibody molecules.

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Pemphigus sera recognize conformationally sensitive epitopes in the amino-terminal region of desmoglein-1. Passive transfer of autoantibodies from a patient with mutilating epidermolysis bullosa acquisita induces specific alterations in the skin of neonatal mice. The relevance of the IgG subclass of autoantibodies for blister induction in autoimmune bullous skin diseases. The pathogenic effect of IgG4 autoantibodies in endemic pemphigus foliaceus (fogo selvagem). Major parietal cell antigen in autoimmune gastritis + + with pernicious anemia is the acid-producing H,K -adenosine triphosphatase of the stomach. Autoantibodies in pernicious anemia type I patients recognize sequence 251–256 in human intrinsic factor. Structural basis for receptor recognition of vitamin-B(12)-intrinsic factor complexes. Occurrence in gastric juice of antibody to a complex of intrinsic factor and vitamin B12. 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If large number of pathological cells are present buy discount creon 150 mg line, such as blasts or lymphadenoma cells purchase 150 mg creon, samples are reliably recognized as “patho- logical creon 150 mg,” and a smear can then be prepared and further analyzed under the microscope order 150 mg creon with amex. The difficulty arises when small populations of pathological cells are present (e. These pathological conditions are not always picked up by automated analyzers (false negative result), no smear is prepared and studied under the microscope, and the results produced by the machine do not include the presence of these pathological popula- tions. Bone Marrow Biopsy Occasionally, a disease of the blood cell system cannot be diagnosed and classified on the basis of the blood count alone and a bone marrow biopsy is indicated. In such cases it is more important to perform this biopsy com- petently and produce good smears for evaluation than to be able to inter- pret the bone marrow cytology yourself. In the attempt to avoid complications, the traditional location for bone marrow biopsy at the sternum has been abandoned in favor of the supe- rior part of the posterior iliac spine (back of the hipbone) (Fig. Although the bone marrow cytology findings from the aspirate are suffi- cient or even preferable for most hematological questions (see Table 3), it is regarded as good practice to obtain a sample for bone marrow his- tology at the same time, since with improved instruments the procedure has become less stressful, and complementary cytological and histological data are then available from the start. After deep local anesthesia of the dorsal spine and a small skin incision, a histology cylinder at least 1. Procedures, Assays, and Normal Values 21 is pulled out and a 5- to 10-ml syringe body with 0. The patient should be warned that there will be a painful drawing sensation during aspiration, which cannot be avoided. The barrel is then slowly pulled, and if the procedure is successful, blood from the bone marrow fills the syringe. When the dish is gently shaken, small, pinhead-sized bone marrow spicules will be seen lying on the bottom. A smear, similar to a blood smear, can be prepared on a slide directly from the remaining con- tents of the syringe. If the first aspirate has obtained material, the needle is removed and a light compression bandage is applied. If the aspirate for cytology contains no bone marrow fragments (“punc- tio sicca,” dry tap), an attempt may be made to obtain a cytology smear from the (as yet unfixed) histology cylinder by rolling it carefully on the slide, but this seldom produces optimal results. One or two bone marrow spicules are pushed to the outer edge of the Petri dish, using the mandrel from the sternal needle, a needle, or a wooden rod with a beveled tip, and transferred to a fat-free micro- scopy slide, on which they are gently pushed to and fro by the needle along the length of the slide in a meandering line. It should be noted that too much blood in the bone marrow sample will impede the semiquantitative analysis. In addition to this type of smear, squash preparations should also be prepared from the bone marrow material for selective staining. To do this, a few small pieces of bone marrow are placed on a slide and covered by a second slide. The two slides are lightly pressed and slid against each other, then separated (see Fig. The smears are allowed to air-dry and some are incubated with panop- tic Pappenheim staining solution (see previous text). Smears being sent to a diagnostic laboratory (wrapped individually and shipped as fragile goods) are better left unstained. Fresh smears of peripheral blood should accompany the shipment of each set of samples. Procedures, Assays, and Normal Values 23 Lymph Node Biopsy and Tumor Biopsy these procedures, less invasive than bone marrow biopsy, are a simple and often diagnostically sufficient method for lymph node enlargement or other intumescences. Tissue is aspirated from several locations, changing the angle of the needle slightly after each collection, and suction maintained while the needle is withdrawn into the subcutis. The biopsy harvest, which is in the needle, is extruded onto a microscopy slide and smeared out without force or pressure using a cover glass (spreader slide). Step-by-Step Diagnostic Sequence 25 Step-by-Step Diagnostic Sequence On the basis of what has been said so far, the following guidelines for the diagnostic workup of hematological changes may be formulated: 1. While this nomenclature may not conform to ideal standards, it is well established and, moreover, of such practical importance as a fundamental dis- tinguishing criterion that it is worth retaining. A marked majority of mononuclear cells over the polynuclear segmented granulocytes is an unambiguous early finding. The next step has to be taken with far more care and discernment: classifying the mononuclear cells according to their possible origin, lym- phatic cells, monocytes, or various immature blastic elements, which otherwise only occur in bone marrow. The aim of the images in the Atlas section of this book is to facilitate this part of the differential diag- nosis. To a great extent, the possible origins of mononuclear cells can be distinguished; however, the limits of morphology and the vulnerability to artifacts are also apparent, leaving the door wide open to further Theml, Color Atlas of Hematology © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. A predominance of mononuclear cell elements has the same critical significance in the differential diagnosis of both leukocytoses and leukopenias. After the evaluation of the leukocytes, assessment of erythrocyte mor- phology is a necessary part of every blood smear evaluation. It is, nat- urally, particularly important in cases showing disturbances in the erythrocyte count or the hemoglobin. Quite often, suspected diagnoses are con- firmed through humoral tests such as electrophoresis, or through cyto- chemical tests such as alkaline phosphatase, myeloperoxidase, non- specific esterase, esterase, or iron tests. Bone marrow analysis is indicated when clinical findings and blood analysis leave doubts in the diagnostic assessment, for example in cases of: ® Leukocytopenia ® Thrombocytopenia ® Undefined anemia ® Tricytopenia, or ® Monoclonal hypergammaglobulinemia A bone marrow analysis may be indicated in order to evaluate the spreading of a lymphadenoma or tumor, unless the bloodstream al- ready shows the presence of pathological cells. Bone marrow histology is also rarely indicated (even more rarely than the bone marrow cytology). Examples of the decision-making process between bone marrow cytology and histology (biopsy) are shown in Table 3. Often only histological analysis can show structural changes or focal in- filtration of the bone marrow. Normal Cells of the Blood and Hematopoietic Organs Theml, Color Atlas of Hematology © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved.

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Banded neutrophilic granulocytes (band neutro- phils) may occur in small numbers (up to 2%) in a normal blood count cheap creon 150mg online. A higher proportion than 2% may indicate a left shift and constitute the first sign of a reactive condition (p generic creon 150 mg without a prescription. The diagnostic value of segmented neutrophilic granulocytes (segmented neutrophils) is that normal values are the most sensitive diagnostic in- dicator of normally functioning hematopoiesis (and purchase 150 mg creon visa, especially purchase creon 150 mg overnight delivery, of normal cellular defense against bacteria). An increase in segmented neutrophils without a qualitative left shift is not evidence of an alteration in bone mar- row function, because under certain conditions stored cells may be re- leased into the peripheral blood (for causes, see p. In conjunction with qualitative changes (left shift, toxic granulations), however, granulocytosis does in fact indicate bone marrow activation that may have a variety of triggers (pp. Advancing nuclear contraction and segmentation: continuous transformation from metamyelocyte to band cell and then seg- mented neutrophilic granulocyte a b c d f e g Fig. This phenome- non is a consequence of activity against bacteria or proteins and is ob- served in serious infections, toxic or drug effects, or autoimmune processes (e. At the same time, cytoplasmic vacuoles are often found, representing the end stage of phagocytosis (es- pecially in cases of sepsis), as are Döhle bodies: small round bodies of ba- sophilic cytoplasm that have been described particularly in scarlet fever, but may be present in all serious infections and toxic conditions. A defi- ciency or complete absence of granulation in neutrophils is a sign of severe disturbance of the maturation process (e. The Pelger anomaly, named after its first describer, is a hereditary segmentation anomaly of granulocytes that results in round, rod-shaped, or bisegmented nuclei. The same appearance as a nonheredi- tary condition (pseudo-Pelger formation, also called Pel–Ebstein fever, or [cyclic] Murchison syndrome) indicates a severe infectious or toxic stress response or incipient myelodysplasia; it also may accompany manifest leukemia. Note the granulations, inclusions, and appendages in segmen- ted neutrophilic granulocytes a b c d Fig. Of these, only the drumstick form corresponds to the X-chromosome, which has become sequestered during the process of segmentation. A proportion of 1–5% circulating granulocytes with drumsticks (at least 6 out of 500) suggests female gender; however, because the drumstick form is easy to confuse with the other (insignificant) forms of nuclear appendage, care should be taken before jumping to conclusions. Rarely, degrading forms of granulocytes, shortly before cytolysis or apoptosis, may be found in the blood (they are more frequent in exudates). In these, the segments of the nucleus are clearly losing connection, and the chromatin structure of the individual segments, which are becoming round, becomes dense and homogeneous. Pseudo-Pelger granulocytes are observed in cases of in- fectious–toxic stress conditions, myelodysplasia, and leukemia. The use of nuclear appendages to determine gender has lost signifi- cance in favor of genetic testing. Note the granulations, inclusions, and appendages in segmen- ted neutrophilic granulocytes e f g h Fig. The earliest point at which eosinophils can be morphologically defined in the bone marrow is at the promyelocyte stage. Promyelocytes contain large granules that stain blue–red; not until they reach the metamyelocyte stage do these become a dense population of increasingly round, golden-red granules filling the cytoplasm. The Charcot–Leyden crystals found between groups of eosinophils in exudates and secretions have the same chemical composition as the eosinophil granules. Basophilic Granulocytes (Basophils) Like eosinophils, basophils (basophilic granulocytes) mature in parallel with cells of the neutrophil lineage. The earliest stage at which they can be identified is the promyelocyte stage, at which large, black–violet stained granules are visible. In mature basophils, which are relatively small, these granules often overlie the two compact nuclear segments like blackber- ries. However, they easily dissolve in water, leaving behind faintly pink stained vacuoles. Close relations of basophilic granulocytes are tissue basophils or tissue mast cells—but these are never found in blood. Basophils are also increased in chronic myelo- proliferative bone marrow diseases, especially chronic myeloid leukemia (pp. Round granules filling the cytoplasm: eosinophilic and basophilic granulocytes a b c d e f Fig. The granules are corpuscular like those of the eosinophilic granulocyte but stain deep blue to violet. Owing to their great motility and adhesiveness, ma- ture monocytes are morphologically probably the most diversified of all cells. Measuring anywhere between 20 and 40 µm in size, their constant characteristic is an ovoid nucleus, usually irregular in outline, with invagi- nations and often pseudopodia-like cytoplasmic processes. The fine, “busy” structure of their nuclear chromatin allows them to be distin- guished from myelocytes, whose chromatin has a patchy, streaky struc- ture, and also from lymphocytes, which have dense, homogeneous nuclei. The basophilic cytoplasmic layer varies in width, stains a grayish color, and contains a scattered population of very fine reddish granules that are at the very limit of the eye’s resolution. These characteristics vary greatly with the size of the monocyte, which in turn is dependent on the thickness of the smear. Where the smear is thin, especially at the feathered end, monocytes are abundant, relatively large and loosely structured, and their cytoplasm stains light gray–blue (“dove gray”). In thick, dense parts of the smear, some monocytes look more like lymphocytes: only a certain nu- clear indentation and the “thundercloud” gray–blue staining of the cyto- plasm may still mark them out. Phagocyto- sis of erythrocytes and white blood cells (hemophagocytosis) may occur in some virus infections and autoimmune diseases.

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