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By: William A. Weiss, MD, PhD

  • Professor, Neurology UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

The labyrinth lies within the petrous portion of the temporal bone and con sists of the utricle generic secnidazole 500mg online, the saccule buy discount secnidazole 500mg on line, and the three semicircular canals (Fig discount secnidazole 500mg amex. The membranous labyrinth is separated from the bony labyrinth by a small space filled with perilymph; the membranous organ itself is filled with endo lymph order 500mg secnidazole fast delivery. The utricle, the saccule, and the widened portions (ampullae) of the semi circular canals contain receptor organs whose function is to maintain balance. The lateral semicircular canal lies in the horizontal plane, and the two other semicircular canals are perpen dicular to it and to each other. The posterior semicircular canal is aligned with the axis of the petrous bone, while the anterior semicircular canal is oriented transversely to it. Since the axis of the petrous bone lies at a 45� angle to the midline, it follows that the anterior semicircular canal of one ear is parallel to the posterior semicircular canal of the opposite ear, and vice versa. Each semicircular canal is widened at one end to form an ampulla, in which the re ceptor organ of the vestibular system, the crista ampullaris, is located (Fig. The sensory hairs of the crista are embedded in one end of an elon gated gelatinous mass called the cupula,w hichcontainsnootoliths(see below). Movement of endolymph in the semicircular canals stimulates the sensory hairs of the cristae, which are thus kinetic receptors (movement recep tors). The utricle and saccule contain further receptor organs, the utricular and saccular macules (Fig. The utricular macule lies in the floor of the utricle parallel to the base of the skull, and the saccular macule lies vertically in the medial wall of the saccule. The hair cells of the macule are embedded in a gelatinous membrane containing calcium carbonate crystals, called statoliths. These receptors transmit static impulses, indicating the position of the head in space, to the brainstem. Impulses arising in the receptors of the labyrinth form the afferent limb of reflex arcs that serve to coordinate the extraocular, nuchal, and body muscles so that balance is maintained with every position and every type of movement of the head. The next station for impulse transmission in the ves tibular system is the vestibulocochlear nerve. The is lo cated in the internal auditory canal; it contains bipolar cells whose peripheral processes receive input from the receptor cells in the vestibular organ, and whose central processes form the. This nerve joins the cochlear nerve, with which it traverses the internal auditory canal, crosses the subarachnoid space at the cerebellopontine angle, and enters the brainstem at the pontomedullary junction. Its fibers then proceed to the vestibular nuclei, which lie in the floor of the fourth ventricle. The anatomy of the afferent and efferent connections of the vestibular nuclei is not precisely known at present. The flocculonodular lobe projects, in turn, to the fastigial nucleus and, by way of the uncinate fasciculus (of Russell), back to the vestibular nuclei; some fibers return via the vestibular nerve to the hair cells of the labyrinth, where they exert a mainly inhibitory regulating effect. Moreover, the ar chicerebellum contains second-order fibers from the superior, medial, and inferior vestibular nuclei (Figs. The important lateral vestibulospinal tract originates in the lateral vestibu lar nucleus (of Deiters) and descends ipsilaterally in the anterior fasciculus to the, down to sacral levels. The impulses conveyed in the lateral vestibulospinal tract serve to facilitate the extensor reflexes and to maintain a level of muscle tone throughout the body that is necessary for balance. Fibers of the medial vestibular nucleus enter the medial longitudinal fasciculus bilaterally and descend in it to the 4 4 Motor Visceromotor Exteroceptive Enteroceptive Thalamus Medial lemniscus Diencephalobulbar pathway Pyramidal tract Nucleus ambiguus Spinal tract of Dorsal nucleus the trigeminal n. Some 20 hours before the left-sided ataxia and asynergia as well as a defi scan was obtained, this 56-year-old man sud cit of protopathic sensation on the right side of denly became dizzy and unsteady, with a ten the body. Axons from the contralateral olive in the, which con tinue as climbing fibers to the dendrites of the Purkinje cells of all areas of the cerebellar cortex (the inferior olivary nucleus projects mainly to the cerebrocerebellum, while the accessory olivary nuclei project mainly to the vestibulo and spinocerebellum). The, whose fibers arise in the neurons of the nucleus dorsalis (thoracic nucleus or Clarke�s column) at the base of the posterior horn of the spinal gray matter (Figs. A pathway arising in neurons of the cervical spinal cord above the level of the thoracic nucleus, which ascends in the lateral portion of the fasciculus cuneatus and undergoes a synaptic relay in the of the medulla; this pathway accompanies the posterior spinocerebellar tract on its way into the cerebellum. The inferior cerebellar peduncle contains the following pathways: the (largest efferent pathway of the inferior cerebellar peduncle) to the vestibular nuclei; this tract closes a vestibulocerebellar regulatory feedback loop through which the cerebellum influences the motor function of the spinal cord. Fibers from the fastigial nucleus to the reticular formation and from the dentate nucleus to the olive . The middle cerebellar peduncle (brachium pontis) exclusively contains, of the following types: the decussates in the pons and then travels in a thick bundle, by way of the middle cerebellar peduncle, to the cerebellar hemi spheres. These fibers originate in the basal pontine nuclei and are thus the continuation, after a synaptic relay, of the corticocerebellar projections, which are derived from all of the lobes of the cerebrum, but in greatest number from the frontal lobe. The fibers cross the midline as soon as they emerge from the relay nuclei in the basis pontis. Further afferent fibers from the monoaminergic raphe nuclei travel by way of the middle cerebellar peduncle to the cerebellum. These fibers originate in the deep cerebellar nuclei and project mainly to the following structures: the contralateral thalamus (ventral lateral and centromedian nuclei, Figs. After a synaptic relay in the thalamus, further fibers ascend to the motor and premotor cerebral cortex, which, in turn, projects back to the pontine nu clei by way of the corticopontine tract. A long regulatory loop is thus created, traveling from the cerebral cortex to the pontine nuclei, cerebellar cortex, den tate nucleus, thalamus, and finally back to the cortex (Figs 5. Afurtherregulatorycir cuit comprises the so-called triangle of Guillain and Mollaret, traveling from the red nucleus by way of the central tegmental tract to the olive, then to the cerebellum and back to the red nucleus (Fig.

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But he contracted diphtheria and buy 500mg secnidazole with mastercard, as Oskar Vogt wrote in 1959 cheap 500 mg secnidazole overnight delivery, �conva lesced� in 1896 by working as an Assistant in the Neurological Clinic in Alexanderbad in the Fichtelgebirge region purchase secnidazole 500 mg online, then directed by Vogt himself 500mg secnidazole with visa. Under his influence, Brodmann turned to neurology and psychiatry, and Vogt described him as having �broad scientific interests, a good gift of observa tion and great diligence in widening his knowledge�. Vogt was preoccupied with the idea of founding an Institute for Brain Research, that finally materialised in Berlin in 1898 as the Neurobiological Laboratory. In order to prepare for a sci entific career Brodmann first went to Berlin, and then studied pathology in Leipzig where, in 1898, he took his Doctorate with a thesis entitled �A Contribution to the Understanding of Chronic Ependymal Sclerosis�. After this he worked in the University Psychiatric Clinic in Jena, directed by Otto Binswanger, before transferring to the Municipal Mental Asylum in Frankfurt am-Main from 1900 to 1901, where meeting Alzheimer inspired an interest in the neuroanatomical problems that determined the whole of his further scien tific career. In Autumn 1901 Brodmann joined Vogt and until 1910 worked with him in the Neurobiological Laboratory in Berlin where he undertook his famous studies on comparative cytoarchitectonics of mammalian cortex. Vogt suggest ed to Brodmann that he �undertake a systematic study of the cells of the cere bral cortex�, using sections stained with the new method of Nissl. Cecile and Oskar Vogt were engaged on a parallel study of myeloarchitectonics, and exper iments using physiological cortical stimulation. In April 1903, Brodmann and the Vogts gave a beautifully coordinated presentation, each of their own archi tectonic results, to the annual meeting of the German Psychiatric Society in Jena. Brodmann described the totally different cytoarchitectonic structure of the pre and postcentral gyri in man and the sharp border between them. The best known is his sixth communication, of 1908, on histological localisation in the human cerebral cortex. He edited this prestigious journal until his early death in 1918, a journal which lived on as the �Journal fur Hirnforschung�, and later became the �Journal of Brain Research�. His communications served as a basis for his 1909 monograph on comparative cortical localisation, which is the subject of the present translation, but he did not live to see its second edition in 1925. Brodmann�s career in Berlin was marred by the surprise rejection by the Medical Faculty of his �Habilitation� thesis on the prosimian cortex. So when, as Oskar Vogt admitted, the Neurobiological Laboratory did not seem to be developing as well as he had expected, Brodmann went to work with Robert Gaupp in Tubingen where, on Gaupp�s recommendation, he was appointed Profesor by the Faculty of Medicine. Vogt (1919) himself complained about the harm done by facul ty members, not only to Brodmann but to the development of the whole Laboratory. In contrast, the anatomist Froriep welcomed Brodmann warmly to membership of the Faculty in Tubingen in a speech of greetings, and the Academy of Heidelberg honoured his work with the award of a prize. On 1 May 1916 Brodmann took over the Prosectorship at the Nietleben Mental Asylum in Halle an der Saale, directed by Berthold Pfeiffer. For the first time he was assured of reasonable material security and here he met Margarete Francke, who became his wife on 3 April 1917. During his time in Berlin Brodmann had lectured in postgraduate courses in Munich organised by Kraepelin who anticipated an important contribution to neuroanatomical research from architectonics and neurohistology. Nissl joined the Psychiatric Research Institute in Munich, and in 1918 Brodmann also received a prestigious appointment to the newly formed Munich Institute and took charge of the Department of Topographical Anatomy. Thus began a har monious collaboration with Nissl, although Brodmann was only to live for less than a year. Oskar Vogt published Brodmann�s obituary in their beloved Journal fur Psychologie und Neurologie in 1919 and wrote: �Just at the moment when he had begun to live a very happy family life and when, after years of interruption because of war work, he was able to take up his research activities again in inde pendent and distinguished circumstances, just at the moment when his friends were looking forward to a new era of successful research from him, a devastat ing infection snatched him away after a short illness, on 22 August 1918�. In 1959 Vogt wrote a biography of Brodmann, in which his high estimation of the man and scientist is obvious. Before Brodmann, a certain confusion reigned concerning the laminar structure of the cortex. In 1858, Meynert�s pupil, Berlin, gave a first description of the six layers of the human isocortex as distinguished by variations in cell size and type, including pyramidal and granule cells. Meynert himself, starting in 1867, described the subdivision of the human cortex into numerous functional regions. An important early cortical localisational study was that of Betz in 1874, in which he pointed out �nests� of unusually large cells, his so-called �giant pyramids�, in the human motor cortex of the precentral gyrus, an area separated by the central sulcus from the sensory cortex of the postcentral gyrus which contained no such giant cells. Later, human cortical maps based on fibre architecture (myeloarchitectonics) were published, notably those of Kaes (1893), Bechterew (1896) and Flechsig (1898). Before the end of the nineteenth century, numerous publications followed on the laminar pattern of the cerebral cortex in various mammals, including man, of which the best known are those of Lewis (1878, 1881), Lewis and Clarke (1878) and Hammarberg (1895). The year 1900 marked the beginning of the publication of Cajal�s studies on human cortex, as well as Bolton�s treatise on the human visual cortex. In particular, Brodmann had little respect for Cajal�s �erroneous� views on cortical lamination. Elliot Smith published a detailed atlas of human cortical localisation in 1907, referring to the preceding work of Flechsig, Campbell and Brodmann. In 1905 Campbell�s major work entitled �Histological studies on the local isation of cerebral function� appeared. He was an Australian, and had studied in Edinburgh, as well as with Krafft-Ebbing in Vienna. He investigated eight human cerebral hemispheres, as well as brains of the chimpanzee, orang-utan, cat, dog and pig. In 1953 von Bonin commented that Campbell�s division of the primate brain was not as �fine as those of the German school�, referring partic ularly to the work of Brodmann. Notable contributions, of special importance to Brodmann because of his professional relations with them, were those of Cecile and Oskar Vogt between 1900 and 1906, and their colleagues from the Berlin Neurobiological Laboratory, such as Mauss (1908) and Zunino (1909).

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Linde, �Sexual brain during orgasm in women,� Annual Review of Sex function in married men with Parkinson�s disease compared Research, vol. Pfaus, �Di erential regulation of Ackerman, �Sexual dysfunction in men with Parkinson�s female sexual behaviour by dopamine agonists in the medial disease,� Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation, vol. Schmidt, �Sleep-related erections: with Parkinson�s disease,� Movement Disorders, vol. Forno, �The hypothalamus in patients with Parkinson�s disease,� Acta Neurologica Scandi Parkinson disease,� Annals of Neurology, vol. Northway, �Subcutaneous apomorphine: an evidence-based review of its use in Parkin son�s disease,� Drugs and Aging, vol. Safarinejad, �Salvage of sildena l failures with cabergo line: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study,� International Journal of Impotence Research, vol. Rektorb, �The long-lasting improvement of sexual dys function in patients with advanced, uctuating Parkinson�s disease induced by pergolide: evidence from the results of an open, prospective, one-year trial,� Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, vol. Ahlskog, �Pathological hypersexuality predominantly linked to adjuvant dopamine agonist therapy in Parkinson�s disease and multiple system atrophy,� Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, vol. Fowler, �Treatment of erectile dysfunction with sildena l citrate (Viagra) in parkinsonism due to Parkinson�s disease or multiple system atrophy with observations on orthostatic hypotension,� Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, vol. Rampello, �E cacy and safety of xed dose oral sildena l in the treatment of sexual dysfunction in depressed patients with idiopathic Parkinson�s disease,� European Urology, vol. Hosseini, �Salvage of sildena l failures with bremelanotide: a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study,� Journal of Urology, vol. Rosen, �Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors and female sexual response: faulty protocols or paradigms Hallam, �Melanocortins in the treatment of male and female sexual dysfunction,� Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, vol. The causes of sleep disturbances are multifactorial and include nocturnal motor disturbances, nocturia, depressive symptoms, and medication use. In addition, the involvement of serotoninergic, noradrenergic, and cholinergic neurons in the brainstem as a disease-related change contributes to impaired sleep structures. Excessive daytime sleepiness is not only secondary to nocturnal disturbances or dopaminergic medication but may also be due to independent mechanisms related to impairments in ascending arousal system and the orexin system. These systems may play a role of great importance because of their negative impact on in the development of the nonmotor symptoms commonly quality of life. In contrast, the e ect of dopaminergic medications, and circadian cycle disruptions, sleep deprivation on motor performance is controversial [9]. In histamine systems, these serotoninergic, noradrenergic, and contrast, the prevalence of insomnia was 54%�60% over an cholinergic neurons in brainstem serve as arousal systems eight-year period in a prospective study, but the data showed that maintain wakefulness, and disturbance of these neurons no linear increase over an eight-year followup period [26]. Using short-acting hypnotic drugs such as zolpidem mote wakefulness by upregulating monoaminergic neuronal [28], which have less impact on muscle relaxation, is populations [14]. Wake-active dopaminergic neurons in the recommended to prevent falls associated with sleep aids, ventral periaqueductal gray matter have been identi ed [15] especially in elderly subjects. In animal models, D2 receptors exhibit a biphasic response, with sedating e ects occurring after low-dose stimulation of the 3. The including nocturia (79%), di culty turning over in bed ventral tegmental area and the mesolimbic and mesocortical (65%), painful muscle cramps (55%), nightmares (48%), dopaminergic circuits are crucial sites for the action of limb or facial dystonia (34%), leg jerks (33%), and visual hal dopamine in the sleep-wake cycle [18]. A placebo-controlled, random but exhibited di culty turning in bed, suggesting that ized, double-blind, crossover study performed in 20 healthy identifying the least disruptive turning strategy may be volunteers using the multiple sleep latency test indicated useful. Their study showed that and the daily administration of levodopa was observed, patients with an advanced level of the disease had impaired even after accounting for controlling factors, indicating that scores compared with those with early or moderate levels levodopa may have alerting e ects in some groups of patients of the disease. This scale has been validated and employed extensively in a number of countries and was reported to exhibit high reliability [24, 31�34]. Daytime depressive symptoms, and complications of dopaminergic impairments related to nighttime sleep di culties have also treatments (such as dyskinesia and wearing-o symptoms) been reported. If the nocturia is found to be related to wearing-o symptoms, then changing medications to administer a long 3. As rigidity, and a hyperdopaminergic state, such as levodopa an alternative, questionnaire-based sleep studies have been related dyskinesia. The application of several scales for sleep in rising to pass urine during the night due to nocturnal disturbances has recently been reviewed [30]. Sudden onset sleep episodes while driving have been (items 6 and 7), nocturia (items 8 and 9), nocturnal motor reported in 3. In addition, located in the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray matter and narcolepsy-like symptoms have been observed in patients lateral pontine tegmentum, and vice versa [62]. The implicated based on the ndings that dopamine agonists administration of the herbal medication Yi-Gan San at 2.

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Tose philoso no mater how mechanistic and deterministic the views of phers cheap secnidazole 500 mg, however cheap secnidazole 500 mg mastercard, were handicapped by a lack of empirical brain function become buy cheap secnidazole 500mg on-line, the idea of personal responsibilit information about how the brain functions discount 500 mg secnidazole overnight delivery. In what follows, we view brain�mind have a huge informational advantage over our predeces interactions as a multi-layered system (se Doyle & Csete, sors that arguably makes past discussions obsolete. Another goal is to suggest that mental states emerge Determinism and Physics fom stimulus-driven (botom-up) neural activit that is constrained by goal-directed (top-down) neural activ The idea that we aren�t in control of our actions all sounds it. Your parents don�t believe it, challenges the traditional idea that brain activit pre and neither does the local district atorney. Who the heck cedes conscious thought and that brain-generated be came up with it This concept, that down Galileo�s laws of motion as algebraic equations and there is bidirectional causation, makes it clear that we realized that the equations also described Kepler�s obser must decode and understand the interactions among hi vations about planetary motion. Newton surmised that erarchical levels (layers) of the brain (Mesulam, 1998) all the physical mater of the universe�everything fom to understand the nature of brain-enabled conscious your chair to the moon�operates according to a set of experience. If the universe and everything in brain layer animates the other, just as sofware animates it follows a set of determined laws, then everything must hardware and vice versa. Determin t n the layers, not in the staging areas within a sin ism is the philosophical belief that all current and future gle layer, is where phenomenal awareness arises�our events and actions, including human cognition, decisions, feling of fe will. The fedom that is represented in a and behavior, are caused by preceding events combined choice not to eat the jelly doughnut comes fom an in with the laws of nature. The corollary, then, is that every teraction bet n the mental layer belief (about health event, action, and so on, can in principle be predicted in and weight) and the neuronal layer reward systems for advance, if all parameters are known. The stimulus-driven pull sometimes work in reverse, which means that time does not have a loses out to a goal-directed belief in the batle to initiate direction. So you can also know about something�s past an action: The mental layer belief can trump the pull to by looking at its present state. Yet the the universe and everything in it are completely governed top layer was engendered by the botom layer and does by causal laws and are predictable. If this concept is correct, then we are not living afer If the universe and everything in it are following causal the fact; we are living in real time. And there�s more: laws and are predetermined, then that sems to imply this view also implies that everything our mechanistic that individuals are not personally responsible for their Abandoning the Concept of Free Will | 625 actions. Sure, cheat on the test; it was preordained at the of Poincare�s systems with extreme sensitivit to initial big bang about 13. So what if he raped conditions, he thought that minute diferences in in and killed your daughter�his neurons, which he has no put data were insignifcant. Many scientists and determinists think this is the way data (initially he had rounded of the decimal 0. Lorenz had rediscovered Well, the physicists who got us into this mess are what is now known as chaos theory. In fact, most physicists have given a talk about how even tiny uncertainties would eventu up on determinism. The conception of ally overwhelm any calculations and defeat the accu the physical universe and the physicist�s confdence in racy of a long-term weather forecast. From this lecture, predicting its behavior changed dramatically in the ear titled Predictabilit: Does the Flap of a Buterfy�s Wings in ly 1900s with the development of to new branches of Brazil Set Of a Tornado in Texa The problem with a chaotic system is that even though it is determined purely by mathematical laws, using the laws of physics Chaos to make precise long-term predictions is impossible, even In 1889, French mathematician and physicist Jules Hen in theory. Tus, for practical purposes, a deterministic ri Poincare gave the determinists pause when he made a process can be unpredictable. Chaotic behavior has ben major contribution to what had become known as �the observed in many systems, including electrical circuits, thre-body problem,� or �n-body problem,� that had population growth, and the dynamics of action potentials ben bothering mathematicians since Newton�s time. Newton�s laws, when applied to the motion of planets, were completely deterministic. The laws implied that if Quantum Theory you knew the initial position and velocit of the planets, you could accurately determine their position and veloc Why had Poincare�s work ben lost fom sight Although time, most physicists� atention was not focused on this proposal was true for simple astronomical systems the macro world of planets and hurricanes, but on the with to bodies, it was not true for astronomical sys micro world of atoms and subatomic particles. Physi tems consisting of thre or more orbiting astronomical cists were in a dither because they had found that atoms bodies with interactions among all thre. How the time realized that measurements weren�t accurate, could Newton�s laws be fundamental universal laws, if but it hadn�t bothered them very much because they fg atoms�the stuf objects are made of�didn�t obey the ured it was a measuring error: Improve the precision of same laws as the objects themselves As the brilliant the initial measurement, and the precision of the pre and entertaining California Institute of Technology dicted answer would equally improve. All they neded physicist Richard Feynman (1998) once pointed out, was a beter measuring device. Newton�s laws that no mater how carefully the initial measurement must not be universal. It would Quantum theory was developed to explain why an always contain a small degre of error, and even tiny electron stays in its orbit, which could not be explained diferences in initial measurements would produce sub by either Newton�s laws or Maxwell�s laws of classical stantially diferent results, far out of proportion to what electromagnetism. In these tpes of equation is the equivalent to Newton�s laws (and it is time systems, now known as chaotic systems, extreme sen reversible). The Schrodinger equation has successfully sitivit to initial conditions is called dynamic instabilit or described particles and atoms in molecules. Poincare�s fndings were forgoten for about a half have led to transistors and lasers. They didn�t se the light of day until they were The Schrodinger equation cannot predict with certaint rediscovered by a mathematician-turned-meteorologist, where the electron is in its orbit at any one state in time; Edward Lorenz. This Lorenz was developing nonlinear models (models is because certain pairs of physical properties are relat where the components are not directly proportional to ed in such a way that both properties cannot be known each other) to describe how an air current would rise and precisely at the same time. Niels Bohr (1937) emergent; when quantum mater (which follows quan wrote, �The renunciation of the ideal of causalit in tum laws) aggregates into macroscopic objects, a new atomic physics.

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