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By: Bertram G. Katzung MD, PhD

  • Professor Emeritus, Department of Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco

A more signifcantly increased risk for gastric cancer has been observed in Japanese and Korean patients order keppra 250 mg medicine for stomach pain. The format and contents of this guide are proprietary and may not be copied or used without permission from Myriad myRisk 50 Myriad buy cheap keppra 250 mg online medicine tour. Aretz S proven 250mg keppra treatment uterine fibroids, Stienen D buy discount keppra 500 mg on line medicine used to treat bv, Friedrichs N, Stemmler S, Uhlhaas S, Rahner N, Propping P, Friedl W. Some studies have dromes included as part of Myriad myRisk�, in that it is described a possible increased risk for a wide range of a �recessive� condition. However, these studies are not conclusive and the patients with a mutation in one copy of the gene, inher estimated risks are not large. This clinical each of the three siblings with colon cancer and/or multi information can be found as part of the Myriad myRisk ple colorectal adenomas had mutations in both copies of report for a patient found to have a mutation in that gene. The format and contents of this guide are proprietary and may not be copied or used without permission from Myriad myRisk 52 Myriad. Colon cancer is sometimes diagnosed in individ be managed by a multidisciplinary team with expertise in uals with no past history of polyps. The format and contents of this guide are proprietary and may not be copied or used without permission from Myriad myRisk 54 Myriad. Risk of developing pancreatic cancer in families with familial atypical multiple mole melanoma associated with a specifc 19 deletion of p16 (p16 Leiden). The format and contents of this guide are proprietary and may not be copied or used without permission from Myriad myRisk 56 Myriad. The format and contents of this guide are proprietary and may not be copied or used without permission from Myriad myRisk 58 Myriad. Consider standard and novel screen those for which there is a past 1 personal and family history ing modalities diagnosis in the family. Breast awareness�Women should be familiar with their breasts and promptly report changes to their healthcare provider. Prev alence of early onset colorectal cancer in 397 patients with classic Li-Fraumeni syndrome. The format and contents of this guide are proprietary and may not be copied or used without permission from Myriad myRisk 60 Myriad. The distinc Please use the information in the subsequent pages for tion between these conditions is based on a wide variety a summary of the associated gene mutation. This clinical of other, non-malignant features, such as macrocephaly, information can be found as part of the Myriad myRisk� Lhermitte-Duclos disease (a hamartomatous brain tumor), report for a patient found to have a mutation in that gene. The format and contents of this guide are proprietary and may not be copied or used without permission from Myriad myRisk 62 Myriad. Dermatologic management may be malignant 18 years or earlier if indicated for some patients. The syndrome was more colon, pancreatic, gastric, small bowel, ovarian (sex cord clearly defned by Harold Jeghers, et al. This clinical of hamartomatous polyp throughout the gastrointestinal information can be found as part of the Myriad myRisk� system. The presence of these polyps is associated with a report for a patient found to have a mutation in that gene. The format and contents of this guide are proprietary and may not be copied or used without permission from Myriad myRisk 64 Myriad. The most common location of these polyps is vention and treatment of the complications associated the small bowel, but they may also be found in the stom with this condition. High cancer risk in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome: a systematic review and surveillance recommendations. The format and contents of this guide are proprietary and may not be copied or used without permission from Myriad myRisk 66 Myriad. In contrast to the more common form Please use the information in the subsequent pages for of intestinal type gastric cancer, difuse gastric cancer a summary of the associated gene mutation. This clinical typically forms without a distinct mass, making it much information can be found as part of the Myriad myRisk� harder to detect with endoscopic screening. Hereditary difuse gastric cancer: updated consensus guidelines for clinical management and directions for future research. The format and contents of this guide are proprietary and may not be copied or used without permission from Myriad myRisk 68 Myriad. Please use the information in the subsequent pages for a summary of the associated gene mutation. This clinical information can be found as part of the Myriad myRisk� report for a patient found to have a mutation in that gene. The by a multidisciplinary team with expertise in medical presence of these polyps is associated with a high risk genetics and the care of patients with hereditary gastro for colorectal cancer, and can cause bleeding leading to intestinal cancer syndromes. The format and contents of this guide are proprietary and may not be copied or used without permission from Myriad myRisk 70 Myriad. Guidelines from the National Com tem, particularly in the colon, rectum and stomach. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: an overview of diagnosis, management, and pathogenesis. The prevalence of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia in juvenile polyposis syndrome. Information on the cancer risks associated with also associated with inherited risks for pancreatic cancer.

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In all we do generic keppra 250 mg otc treatment 4s syndrome, we integrate individual generic keppra 250 mg mastercard medications ending in pril, family buy 250mg keppra with visa medicine man dispensary, and community perspectives to buy discount keppra 500 mg line medications known to cause pill-induced esophagitis improve health systems. Individuals and families partner with their healthcare providers to identify needs, develop and monitor treatment plans, and manage their genetic condition. Healthcare providers refer individuals to appropriate specialists, as needed, including those outside of their health insurance plans. Providers and payers consider the psychosocial, as well as the medical, effects of a genetic condition�on both the individual and the individual�s family�at each stage of life. Healthcare insurance plans reimburse genetic testing, diagnosis, and treatment for genetic conditions. Quality resources are available to assist individuals and their families in understanding family health history, signs/symptoms, screening/testing options and their implications, diagnosis, treatment, and long-term follow-up, as needed. A healthcare provider with experience in genetic services is available to all individuals. Providers, payers, and employers create and use policies, guidelines, and procedures to ensure the appropriate use of genetic information. Information about genetic conditions is provided to individuals and families in a culturally appropriate manner, which may include primary language, appropriate educational level, and various media. Information about genetic research and clinical trials is available to the affected individuals and integrated into clinical practice when appropriate. Outpatient, home, and hospital care for individuals with genetic conditions is available and integrated. Chapter 1: Genetics 101 Almost every human trait and disease has a genetic component, whether inherited or influenced by behavioral factors such as exercise. Genetic components can also modify the body�s response to environmental factors such as toxins. Understanding the underlying concepts of human genetics and the role of genes, behavior, and the environment is important for appropriately collecting and applying genetic and genomic information and technologies during clinical care. This chapter provides fundamental information about basic genetics concepts, including cell structure, the molecular and biochemical basis of disease, major types of genetic disease, laws of inheritance, and the impact of genetic variation. The human genome (total composition of genetic material within a cell) is packaged into larger units known as chromosomes�physically separate molecules that range in length from about 50 to 250 million base pairs. However, sperm and ova normally contain half as much genetic material: only one copy of each chromosome. Each chromosome contains many genes, the basic physical and functional units of heredity. Genes are specific sequences of bases that encode instructions for how to make proteins. Genes comprise only about 29 percent of the human genome; the remainder consists of non-coding regions, whose functions may include providing chromosomal structural integrity and regulating where, when, and in what quantity proteins are made. For example, the genes active in a liver cell differ from the genes active in a brain cell because each cell performs different functions and, therefore, requires different proteins. Different genes can also be activated during development or in response to environmental stimuli such as an infection or stress. Genes, through the proteins they encode, determine how efficiently foods and chemicals are metabolized, how effectively toxins are detoxified, and how vigorously infections are targeted. Genetic diseases can be categorized into three major groups: single-gene, chromosomal, and multifactorial. A gene can mutate in many ways, resulting in an altered protein product that is unable to perform its normal function. Other mutations include the loss (deletion) or gain (duplication or insertion) of a single or multiple base(s). The altered protein product may still retain some normal function, but at a reduced capacity. In other cases, the protein may be totally disabled by the mutation or gain an entirely new, but damaging, function. The outcome of a particular mutation depends not only on how it alters a protein�s function, but also on how vital that particular protein is to survival. In addition to mutations in single genes, genetic diseases can be caused by larger mutations in chromosomes. Chromosomal abnormalities may result from either the total number of chromosomes differing from the usual amount or the physical structure of a chromosome differing from the usual structure. The most common type of chromosomal abnormality is Chapter 1: Genetics 101 7 Image Credit: U. Structural chromosomal abnormalities include deletions, duplications, insertions, inversions, or translocations of a chromosome segment. Although multifactorial diseases can recur in families, some mutations such as cancer can be acquired throughout an individual�s lifetime. Alterations in behavior or the environment such as diet, exercise, exposure to toxic agents, or medications can all influence genetic traits. Single-gene diseases are usually inherited in one of several patterns, depending on the location of the gene. Five basic modes of inheritance for single-gene diseases exist: autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant, X-linked recessive, and mitochondria. While mutations are generally associated with disease and are relatively rare, polymorphisms are more frequent and their clinical significance is not as straightforward. Although some genetic variations may cause or modify disease risk, other changes may result in no increased risk or a neutral presentation. Understanding the clinical significance of genetic variation is a complicated process because of our limited knowledge of which genes are involved in a disease or condition and the multiple gene-gene and gene-behavior-environment interactions likely to be involved in complex, chronic diseases.

While the typical pattern of skin and neurological involvement help to buy keppra 250mg lowest price medicine pictures establish the diagnosis in leprosy particularly in endemic areas discount keppra 250mg otc medicine 013, a keen index of suspicion is always necessary especially in non endemic areas discount 250mg keppra mastercard medicine prescription. The main aim of treatment is to 500 mg keppra with mastercard symptoms breast cancer cure the patient without residual permanent disability. The treatment of leprosy depends on whether it is lepromatous or tuberculoid in type. To suppress the infammation repeated short courses of steroids may be necessary and clofazamine is also used. Prevention is by patient education about the early recognition of the disease, reactions, complications and the initiation of appropriate treatment. The patient needs to be particularly aware of risk and guard an anaesthetic limb by protective measures including special footwear and routine daily inspection for signs of trauma. It is present in about one in ten diabetic patients at diagnosis and in the majority of patients 25 years later on. Vitamin B-6 defciency Pyridoxine (Vit B-6) defciency causes a mainly sensory neuropathy. Overdoses of vitamin B-6 may actually cause neuropathy so it is important to avoid doses greater than 100 mg daily. Treatment is with hydroxycobalamin (Vit B-12) 1 mg (1000 micrograms) intramuscular injections on alternate days for a total of fve injections or 5 mg. In the absence of severe malabsorption, replacement can be given orally at a dose of 1 mg daily. Apart from malnutrition related thiamine defciency, alcohol causes a direct efect on nerves by the toxic efect of its metabolites. Treatment is to stop the alcohol and replace thiamine (Vit B-1) although painful symptoms frequently persist. This is followed by a plateau phase and eventual recovery for most patients after 3-6 months. Clinical features The presenting complaint is that of a rapidly developing motor weakness occurring over days and sometimes hours. If available, nerve conduction studies will show marked slowing of motor conduction velocities characteristic of a demyelinating polyneuropathy. Nursing care is directed at checking for signs of increasing weakness, respiratory failure and the prevention of bedsores and contractures. The heart should be monitored for arrhythmias and any surges in blood pressure treated with beta blockers. Compression stockings and low dose heparin are used to prevent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary emboli. Teir main role is to halve the average period of hospital stay from about 12 to 6 weeks. Treatment is with high dose steroids prednisolone initially 60 mg/od for 4-6 weeks, reducing slowly over months until on a minimum maintenance dose of 5-20 mg on alternate days. Guillain-Barre syndrome in northern Tanzania: a comparison of epidemiological and clinical fndings with western Norway. Increased incidence of symptomatic peripheral neuropathy among adults receiving stavudine versus zidovudine based antiretroviral regimens in Kenya. The overall aim of this chapter is to present the main cranial nerve disorders and to integrate examination and localization in their diagnosis. During a routine neurological examination it is sufcient to ask the patient if there is a loss or decrease in the sense of smell (anosmia). Frequently patients are unaware of a loss of smell or may only complain of losing their sense of taste. This is because both smell and taste are used together to appreciate the favors of food and drink. The most common cause of transient loss of smell is mucosal swelling in the nose or sinuses as a result of local infection. Anosmia may occur after a head injury when there is a shearing injury to the olfactory bulb and its central connections through the cribriform plate. Optic nerve Disorders afecting the optic nerve are common and clinical assessment involves a history and examination. The examination of the optic nerve includes testing the pupillary responses, visual acuity, visual felds and fundoscopy. It does this by means of two groups of muscle fbres supplied by William Howlett Neurology in Africa 287 Chapter 12 Cranial nerve disorders the autonomic nervous system. The sphincter pupillae is a circular constrictor smooth muscle supplied by the parasympathetic and the dilator pupillae is a radial smooth muscle supplied by the sympathetic nervous system. From there, eferent parasympathetic fbres travel back to the eyes, via the outside of the oculomotor nerve to the ciliary ganglion and to the constrictor sphincter pupillae. A lesion anywhere along that pathway results in a dilated pupil (mydriasis) on the afected side. The resulting defect is called an aferent pupil defect if it afects the optic pathway (Fig 12. Because sympathetic nerves also supply fbres to the ipsilateral eyelid (levator palpebrae superioris), the orbit and adjacent skin, a lesion in the sympathetic chain also results in ptosis, enopthalmos and anhydrosis. Swinging torch test A relative aferent pupil defect is a sign of optic neuritis in the eye being examined. The explanation for this is that the weak direct efect on the bad eye is counterbalanced by the withdrawal of the stimulus from the good eye and the loss of the consensual response.

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On the eferent side generic keppra 500mg without prescription medicine 54 357, an antitussive may make drying action on the respiratory mucosa may be helpful in the secretions easier to generic keppra 500 mg without a prescription medicine identifier pill identification cough up by increasing the efciency of the early congestive phase of acute coryza but may be deleterious discount keppra 250 mg otc medicine ball, cough mechanism cheap keppra 250mg medicine reminder app. Peripherally acting agents are grouped as especially to patients with a nonproductive cough resulting from demulcents, local anesthetics, and humidifying aerosols. They may also be benefcial Demulcents are useful for coughs originating above the in chronic cough due to postnasal drip associated with allergic larynx. They are usually given as syrups or lozenges Bronchodilators (eg, ephedrine and theophylline) may be and include acacia, licorice, glycerin, honey, and wild cherry useful if cough is complicated by bronchospasm. The Local anesthetics (eg, lidocaine, benzocaine, hexylcaine anticholinergic drug ipratropium bromide can often ameliorate hydrochloride, and tetracaine) are used to inhibit the cough an irritating type of cough and does not adversely afect mucus refex under special circumstances (eg, before bronchoscopy secretions. Codeine (60 mg) signifcantly27 Mechanism Description reduced the cough frequency compared to placebo (p<0. Codeine has also shown to29 Central Direct Block the histamine H1 receptors in the central nervous be efective in the management of chronic cough caused due to various etiologies. Importantly, the danger of development of dependence May bind to nonhistaminergic receptors in the central to Codeine at doses used to suppress cough is very small. Furthermore, addiction is uncommon in individuals with no Indirect Block the histamine H1 receptors in the central nervous existing vulnerability to addiction. Dependence is far less frequent in Induce sedation that could result in a reduction in cough humans, compared to that with morphine and also abstinence syndrome is less intense. Chlorpheniramine Maleate (The importance / role of First Single Agents may not be efective, Combination may be generation Anti-histamines in management of cough) essential for beter control: First generation anti-histamines like chlorpheniramine reduce Many antitussive preparations are available are combinations the cholinergic transmission of nerve impulses in the cough of codeine or dextromethorphan with antihistamines, 1 refex, hence, reduce the frequency of cough and dry up the decongestants, expectorants, and/or antipyretics. In India, secretions, making them ideal for treating cough concomitant several such cough mixtures containing an anti-histaminic and 34 with rhinorrhea. Additionally, sedation, which otherwise is an opioid derivative claiming increased efcacy are available. Antitussives or more often, referred to as cough suppressants As discussed previously, since cough is an entirely vagus are used for efective symptomatic relief of dry or non-productive 36 mediated phenomenon, the diference in the antitussive efects cough. First generation anti-histamines like chlorpheniramine, of the frst and second-generation antihistamines is explained centrally acting opioid derivatives like codeine and anti 16 by their relative anticholinergic activity. Additionally, used centrally acting cough suppressant and has been widely frst-generation antihistamines, cross the blood�brain barrier regarded as the �gold standard� cough suppressant drug since due to their lipophilicity, whereas the relatively lipophobic a long time. This perception was based on its efcacy in animal second-generation antihistamines do not. Of interest is that this study showed an38 Codeine and other centrally acting cough suppressants like independence of the antitussive actions of antihistamines and pholcodeine and dextromethorphan act directly on the cough their sedative efects. In healthy volunteers, the sedation and constipation in some patients first-generation antihistamine, diphenhydramine, inhibited cough induced by citric acid. In contrast to this, the non-39 Besides their anti-tussive action, opioids like codeine also exhibit proven analgesic action. In fact, these agents cause cough sedating, second-generation antihistamine, terfenadine, was inefective in suppressing capsaicin-induced cough. A 10 or 20-mg oral dose of codeine, produces a demonstrable second-generation agent, loratadine, was also inefective in antitussive efect, although inefective for analgesia and higher healthy volunteers; however, it did suppress cough induced by doses produce even more cough suppression. These drugs inhibit the release of histamine and leukotrienes Pediatrics 1997;99:918-20. Brunton, Goodman and Gilman�s the with airway infammation by the presence of eosinophils and Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics, 12th edition, Ch: 18, pp metachromatic cells and epithelial damage. Sex diferences and the observed inefectiveness of the newer second-generation, predictors of objective cough frequency in chronic cough. Thorax relatively non-sedating antihistamines in acute cough associated 2009;64:393. Chronic idiopathic cough: a Combination of Codeine and Chlorpheniramine discrete clinical entity Antitussive activity of iodo the details of the number and percentage of patients achieving resiniferatoxin in guinea pigs. Am J Respir Crit All three cough preparations were comparable for night Care Med 2009;180:1042. Transient receptor potential A1 that all the three combinations studied were equi-efcacious in channels: insights into cough and airway infammatory disease. Cough is one of the most common symptoms encountered in com/contents/evaluation-of-subacute-and-chronic-cough-in clinical practice. These are the %7E150 Accessed on: April 14, 2012 mainstay of therapy in case of nonspecifc cough and may act 13. Thorax as adjuvant in addition to treatment of the specifc cause, in case 2003;58:901. Investigation and management of chronic cough using a probability-based algorithm. Eur Respir J Opioids and older or frst generation antihistamines have 2005;25:235. Depression of the cough reflex by major paucity of published literature on this combination and pentobarbitone and some opium derivatives. Use of codeine and dextromethorphan-containing cough remedies mechanism: site of action of antitussive drugs. Brunton, Goodman and Gilman�s the Pharmacological Antitussive action of antihistamine is independent of sedative and basis of Therapeutics, 11th edition, Ch: 21, pp 547-590. Drug DevInd diphenhydramine on the citric acid aerosol-induced cough response Pharm 2011;37:1119-24. The effect of oral terfenadine on the objective assessment of antitussive activity in patients with chronic sensitivity of the cough refex in normal volunteers. The spectrum and frequency of causes, key components of the diagnostic evaluation, 28.

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Encephalitis and Lyme disease are 4 somal recessive disorder characterized by liver failure and other rare causes generic keppra 250 mg with mastercard shinee symptoms. Diagnosis is by elevated serum ceruloplasmin and increased urinary copper excretion; liver Choreoathetosis and ataxia are late fndings of alternating 10 biopsy determines the extent of the disease purchase keppra 500 mg on-line medicine urinary tract infection. Kayser-Fleischer hemiplegia of childhood (attacks of faccid hemiplegia rings (yellow-brown rings around the cornea due to discount keppra 250 mg on-line medicine allergy copper with nystagmus 250mg keppra with amex 911 treatment for hair, dystonia, and tonic spells). When Benign hereditary (familial) chorea is an autosomal 11 present, they are pathognomonic for the disease. Chorea is a sequence of discrete random involuntary move Intention tremor, dysarthria, hypotonia, and athetosis may 5 ments or fragments of involuntary movements. Development may be delayed, but intelligence ments tend to occur in a jerky fow of rapid ongoing motions that is normal. The family history may be can make distinguishing the distinct start and end point of indi overlooked if incomplete expression of the disorder occurs in vidual movements difcult. It can also be associated with gered by startle or sudden movement or change in position. Huntington disease is an autosomal dominant neurode Benign myoclonus of infancy is characterized by clusters 13 21 generative disorder of the basal ganglia, which rarely pre of jerks of the head, neck, and arms. Rigidity and dystonia are the most common events are distinguished from the more ominous infantile myo pediatric manifestations, although chorea, mental deteriora clonic spasms by cessation at about 3 months of age, a normal tion, behavioral problems, and seizures may also occur. Other disorders that may include choreoathetosis include Essential myoclonus is a chronic condition of jerking 14 22 ataxia-telangiectasia (which may manifest with chorea (focal, segmental, generalized) that may be sporadic or without ataxia), Fahr disease, pantothenate kinase-associated familial. Facial, trunk, and proximal muscles are typically af neurodegeneration (previously Hallervorden-Spatz disease), fected, and no other neurologic problems are associated. The defnition of dystonia is �a movement disorder in Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (previously Janz syndrome) 15 23 which involuntary sustained or intermittent muscle con is one of the most common epilepsies of childhood. The tractions cause twisting and repetitive movements, abnormal onset is typically in adolescence, and it is characterized by myo postures, or both�; the term �torsion spasm� has also been used clonic movements, generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and to describe this movement disorder. The myoclonic jerks are frequently the frst or prolonged, they can be triggered by attempted movements manifestation; they are most prominent in the morning (caus (ofen only specifc ones), they tend to occur in a particular pat ing the patient to drop things) but are ofen ignored and tern (resulting in identifable postures) for a given child, and diagnosis is delayed until a generalized seizure occurs. The condition is charac lieved to be common in dystonia; when it does occur, it is sus terized by opsoclonus (furries of conjugate eye movements) pected to be an element (possibly voluntary) of compensation. Pri occur as an idiopathic disorder, due to encephalitis, or as a 16 mary torsion dystonia (previously dystonia musculorum paraneoplastic disorder, most commonly associated with deformans) is an autosomal dominant disorder in children that neuroblastoma. Dopa-responsive dystonia (Segawa syndrome) is an autosomal Depending on when it is most noticeable, a tremor may be des dominant disorder characterized by dopamine defciency; ignated as �rest�, �postural�, or �action�. Focal dystonias involve a specifc body region; examples 17 A low level physiologic tremor is normal in all people. It may include writer�s cramp, blepharospasm, torticollis, and opis 26 be exacerbated by stress, anxiety, and certain medications. Blepharospasm (spasmodic eye closing) in children is ofen drug induced, although it occasionally occurs due to other Jitteriness occurs in response to a stimulus and is common 27 causes of dystonia; it needs to be distinguished from tics. It may manifest simply as occur in a random (multifocal) or generalized pattern; they may incoordination in young children; with time it is more clearly be rhythmic (myoclonus tremor) with fast and slow phases (cor associated with action. The rhythmicity and the absence of relating with contraction and relaxation); they can diminish but worsening toward the end of an intentional movement distin do not necessarily disappear during sleep, and movement may guish it from cerebellar dysfunction (dysmetria). Myoclonus can be distinguished from tics because there is no preceding urge or suppressibility. It is Motor tics are distinctly recognizable purposeless move 29 more likely to signify a more ominous disorder in children than ments or movement fragments that are characteristically adults, although it can also be benign in children. They replace pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder asso are ofen triggered by an identifable stressor. They are normal starting in infancy Transient tics, typically eye blinking or facial movements, and may persist up to 10 years of age. The ju venile form of myasthenia gravis is an acquired automimmune disorder that occurs due to the presence of anti-acetylcholine Weakness is generally a complaint of the older child. Although the two frequently occur together, they are not defciencies of motor endplate acetylcholinesterase production synonymous. Active tone is physiologic resistance to move or function (including defects of its receptors). Rapid fatigue of muscles with worsening symptoms as the day Weakness relates to strength of (or power generated by) muscle. Diagnosis is confrmed by charac Any component of the nervous system may be responsible. Anti-acetylcholine Brain disorders are more common in hypotonic infants, whereas antibodies are only present in the immune-mediated versions neuromuscular disorders are more likely in older children. Pertinent and children meeting specifc criteria and only in a setting with history includes perinatal events (including a history of drug or critical care support available. The degree and distribution of the evident at birth; these are usually infants born to mothers with hypotonia and weakness are signifcant to the diagnosis. In childhood-onset myo tonic infants manifest signifcant joint hyperextensibility (scarf tonic dystrophy, myotonia (a disturbance of muscle relaxation) sign) and abnormal postural refexes. The persistence ings are characteristic later in childhood, and genetic testing is of primitive refexes. Electromyography measures the elec A feeding and developmental history is relevant in the as tric potentials during various states of muscle contractions and sessment of older infants and toddlers. Muscle biopsy senting with weakness, inquire about fatigability, falling, school can distinguish between neurogenic and myopathic processes, (cognitive) performance, and the possibility of ingestions, as and histochemical studies will identify specifc metabolic my well as a family history. More specialized molecular and biochemical testing can be assessed by observation of various tasks.

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