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By: Bertram G. Katzung MD, PhD

  • Professor Emeritus, Department of Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco

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Significant laxity at the atlantoaxial joint with subluxation makes patients prone to slowly progressive, spastic quadriparesis. If this laxity is present, the hyperextension of the neck that occurs during intubation for general anesthesia can produce quadriplegia. Therefore, patients with neck pain or longstanding disease should undergo cervical spine evaluation before any surgical procedure. Firm, usually movable nodules ranging in size from a few millimeters to 2 cm found over pressure areas. The classic rheumatoid nodule has a central area of necrosis surrounded by a rim of palisading fibroblasts surrounded by a collagenous capsule with perivascular collections of chronic inflammatory cells. Patients are more susceptible to bacterial infections and have a higher risk of development of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Multiple perihilar lung nodules with pathology similar to rheumatoid nodules are also found. These patients can develop massive fibrosis and are at increased risk of tuberculosis. Because functional status may be one of the best predictors of premature mortality. Because the joints can be significantly structurally damaged early in the disease if not treated. The structural damage produces mechanical derangements in the joint leading to deformity and profoundly impaired joint function. Postpartum flares of disease occur in approximately 90% of women who experience improvement during pregnancy. Disease-modifying medications including the biologic agents have improved clinical outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis. Although glucocorticoid treatments are common in managing several rheumatic diseases, there are many untoward side effects including osteoporosis, increased cardiovascular disease, elevated glucose, and increased risk of infection. Gold compounds were used more frequently in the past, but much less frequently now because of high levels of toxicity. Cyclosporine, tacrolimus, and azathioprine have been shown to have efficacy as well. An autoimmune inflammatory disease that can affect many organ systems with protean manifestations. The pathogenesis of lupus is largely unknown, but immunologic abnormalities can give rise to excessive autoantibody production that can cause tissue damage. Pleuritis: convincing history of pleuritic pain or rub heard by pericarditis physician or evidence of pleural effusion or b. Pericarditis: documented by electrocardiogram or rub or evidence of pericardial effusion Renal disorder a. Cellular casts: may be red cell, hemoglobin, granular, tubular, or mixed Seizures or a. Seizures: in the absence of offending drugs or known metabolic psychosis derangement. Although these criteria may be helpful in aiding the diagnosis of lupus, patients who do not fulfill the classification criteria may still have the disease. Discrete erythematous plaques covered by scales that extend into hair follicles, causing follicular plugging. Raynaud’s Bullae Livedo reticularis phenomenon Livedo reticularis Alopecia Periungual Petechiae telangiectasia Vasculitis 81. List the differential diagnoses of a lupus patient who presents with musculoskeletal complaints. Synovitis Myopathy Septic arthritis Fibromyalgia Osteonecrosis Adrenal insufficiency Myositis Fractures Some of these disorders are related to the disease itself, whereas others may be related to medication side effects or existing comorbid conditions. Although there are reports of subsequent disease exacerbations, disease activity usually does not recur in transplanted kidneys. Oral ulcerations (most commonly painless buccal erosions) were identified in 40% of one group of patients. Esophageal involvement such as esophagitis, esophageal ulceration, or esophageal dysmotility seems to correlate with the presence of Raynaud’s phenomenon. Intestinal involvement results in abdominal pain, diarrhea, and occasionally, hemorrhage. Intestinal ischemia may be present and may progress to infarction and perforation. Vasculitis is suggested by such commonly used designations as “lupus cerebritis” and occurs in < 15% of patients. Neuropsychiatric manifestations of lupus may occur in approximately 70% of patients. The cause for this problem is not known, but cytokines are believed to play an important role.

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Numbness or paresthesias affecting one part of the body and lasting for weeks with resolution is a classic clinical syndrome purchase eulexin 250mg on-line prostate surgery side effects. All have been shown to generic 250 mg eulexin visa androgen hormone xy have a modest but significant impact on both disease activity and progression to cheap eulexin 250mg without prescription prostatic utricle disability discount 250mg eulexin fast delivery prostate cancer fighting foods. Most broadly, movement disorders are classified into hyperkinetic (causing excess involuntary movement) and hypokinetic (causing paucity of movement or difficulty initiating movement). Action tremors accentuate with voluntary movement such as pointing toward a target or holding a posture with the limbs. Enhanced physiologic tremor is a low-amplitude, high-frequency action tremor that can be exacerbated by sleep deprivation, stimulant medication, and anxiety. If you ever stayed up all night studying for an examination and drinking large amounts of coffee, you may have experienced this. Multiple medications can cause or exacerbate tremor, and the medication list should always be reviewed when evaluating tremor. Patients will often complain that their hand will start shaking when they are watching television or reading and that they can make the tremor stop if they pay attention to it. Some drugs (especially lithium), cerebellar lesions, and rubral lesions can also produce resting tremor. Parkinsonism can be caused by neuroleptic exposure (drug-induced and tardive parkinsonism), cerebrovascular disease, and other neurodegenerative conditions. Anticholinergics are sometimes used for the amelioration of tremor, and amantadine can also provide symptomatic benefit. Describe chorea and myoclonus Chorea is a flowing “dancelike” hyperkinetic movement that is characteristic of Huntington’s disease. Chorea can also be seen in other neurodegenerative disorders and in tardive dyskinesia. Myoclonus is most often symptomatic of a metabolic derangement but can also be seen after anoxic brain injury and in several rare genetic disorders. A thorough history, physical, and laboratory evaluation for disorders described earlier should be performed, and blood levels of muscle enzymes (creatine kinase and aldolase) should be obtained. Muscle biopsy can be very helpful when the cause of myopathy is not otherwise apparent and is useful in confirming the diagnosis of an inflammatory myopathy. Generalized fatigable weakness may or may not be present on a careful examination. When positive, repetitive nerve stimulation studies (a specialized nerve conduction study) is highly specific. By administration of the peripheral cholinesterase inhibitor pyridostigmine and by immunosuppression. Prednisone is highly effective, though steroid-sparing treatment with azathioprine, mycofenolate mofetil, or other immunosuppressive therapies is commonly used to avoid long-term complications of prednisone therapy. In severe myasthenic exacerbations, plasma exchange provides the most rapid clinical improvement in symptoms. Most polyneuropathies affect nerves in a length-dependent fashion such that the toes and feet are most affected. The acute presentation of neuropathy should raise a red flag for toxic, inflammatory, or immune causes. The acute presentation of multiple isolated neuropathies (mononeuritis multiplex) should raise a red flag for vasculitic processes. They can differentiate between predominantly axonal and demyelinating neuropathies. Recommended laboratory tests for all patients with neuropathy include thyroid function tests, vitamin B12 levels (with methylmalonic acid and homocysteine or both, if indicated), fasting glucose, and serum protein electrophoresis. In selected patients, testing for autoimmune and inflammatory disorders should be considered. Cardiac and respiratory monitoring is necessary acutely while symptoms are still progressing. Key symptoms include excessive daytime sleepiness, loud snoring, and witnessed apneas. Clonazepam is highly effective anecdotally (though this has not been demonstrated in a randomized trial) and is the treatment of choice. Narcolepsy should be suspected in the setting of excessive daytime sleepiness accompanied by a history of cataplexy (brief loss of muscle tone during wakefulness often precipitated by emotional trigger) or sleep paralysis (inability to move or speak upon awakening from sleep). A complete listing of brain tumor types can be found at multiple places on the web. Ropper A, Samuels M: Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology, ed 9, New York, 2009, McGraw-Hill. It’s like walking ten miles, a step at a time, living and breathing, one day at a time, one week at a time. Some drugs may have an altered volume of distribution owing to a marked increase in fat mass and decrease in lean body mass associated with aging. As a result, water-soluble (hydrophilic) drugs such as digoxin or lithium have higher concentrations owing to a lower volume of distribution. Fat-soluble (lipophilic) drugs such as benzodiazepines or thiopental have a higher volume of distribution and will have longer times for steady-state concentration and elimination. Sleep latency (time to fall asleep) increases and sleep efficiency (time asleep divided by time in bed) decreases.

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Recurrent chest pain unresponsive to generic 250 mg eulexin visa prostate news glyceryl trinitrate is very unlikely to generic eulexin 250 mg on-line prostate cancer update be angina order eulexin 250mg without a prescription prostate cancer 12 tumors. In the great majority of cases the underlying pathology is atherosclerosis affecting large and medium-sized vessels discount eulexin 250mg prostate cancer vs breast cancer. The identification of patients with peripheral arterial disease is important because: peripheral arterial disease is a marker for premature cardiovascular and cerebrovascular death if not recognized, the first manifestation of peripheral arterial disease may be a life or limb-threatening complication such as stroke, acute limb ischaemia or ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm modifying vascular risk factors improves outcomes peripheral arterial disease may affect medical and surgical treatment for a range of other conditions. Common symptoms There are four major ways in which peripheral arterial disease patients may present: limb symptoms neurological symptoms abdominal symptoms vasospastic symptoms. There are four well-defined stages of lower limb ischaemia (lack of blood supply) (Table 3. Most patients are asymptomatic, either because they choose not to walk very far, or because their exercise tolerance is limited by other pathology. Tissue loss (ulceration/gangrene) Intermittent claudication is pain felt in the legs on walking due to arterial insufficiency. The pain typically occurs in the calf but may be felt in the thigh and/or buttock if proximal obstruction to blood flow is present. The pain disappears completely within a few minutes of rest but recurs on walking. The claudication distance is how far patients say they can walk before pain starts. Neurogenic claudication is leg pain on walking due to neurological and musculoskeletal disorders of the lumbar spine. Venous claudication is pain due to venous outflow obstruc-tion from the leg following extensive deep vein thrombosis. Neurogenic and venous claudication are much less common than arterial claudication and can be distinguished on history and examination (see Table 3. This occurs typically when the patient goes to bed and falls asleep but is woken 1-2 hours later by severe pain in the foot, usually in the instep. This is because the beneficial effects of gravity on lower limb perfusion are lost on lying down. Sleep is also associated with a reduction in heart rate, blood pressure and cardiac output. Patients usually find relief by hanging the leg out of bed or by getting up and walking around. This leads to dependent oedema, and the increased interstitial tissue pressure causes further reduction in tissue perfusion and more pain. In diabetic patients with rest pain it may be difficult to differentiate between an arterial cause and diabetic neuropathy. Without revascularization the ischaemia rapidly progresses and amputation and/or death is usually inevitable. The history General considerations Ask about risk factors for atheroma (smoking, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertension, diabetes) and any family history of premature arterial disease. Enquire specifically about diabetes because it is associated with the early development of atheroma which progresses rapidly and is widespread. The clinical manifestations of diabetic arterial disease are frequently exacerbated by coexisting peripheral neuropathy. A postman who can walk only 400 m has a serious problem but an elderly man who simply wants to get across the road to the shops and the pub may cope well. Rather than focusing upon absolute distances, ask specific questions like: Can you walk to the clinic from the bus stop or car park without stopping? There is little point in subjecting patients with intermittent claudication to the risks of vascular surgery, only to find that they are then equally limited by osteoarthritis of the hip, angina or severe breathlessness. Male patients with buttock (gluteal) claudication due to internal iliac disease almost invariably cannot achieve or maintain an erection. The physical examination General considerations Follow the routine described for the heart, looking for evidence of anaemia or cyanosis, signs of heart failure and direct or indirect evidence of vascular disease (Table 3. Abnormally prominent pulsation in the neck of the elderly is rarely of clinical significance and is normally caused by tortuous arteries rather than a carotid aneurysm or carotid body tumour. Anatomy the anatomy of the radial, brachial and carotid pulses has been described (p. It is immediately lateral to the femoral vein and medial to the femoral nerve (Fig. The popliteal artery lies posteriorly in relation to the knee joint, at the level of the knee crease, deep in the popliteal fossa. The posterior tibial artery is located 2 cm below and posterior to the medial malleolus, where it passes beneath the flexor retinaculum between flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus. The dorsalis pedis artery is the continuation of the anterior tibial artery on the dorsum of the foot. It passes lateral to the tendon of extensor hallucis longus and is best felt at the proximal extent of the groove between the first and second metatarsals. Examination of pulses If you are in any doubt about which pulse is being felt, palpate your own pulse at the same time. Start at the head of the patient and work down the body using the sequence and principles of inspection, palpation and auscultation for each area. Many patients with peripheral arterial disease have asymptomatic subclavian artery disease. A difference of up to 10 mmHg in systolic pressure between the two arms is normal.

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