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By: William A. Weiss, MD, PhD

  • Professor, Neurology UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

A lipid storage myopathy can be caused by primary carnitine deficiency or by another defect in fatty acid oxidation with secondary carnitine deficiency order cleocin gel 20gm on line skin care 45 years old. It causes a Reye syndrome�like illness with hypoketotic hypoglycemia buy cleocin gel 20gm without prescription skin care in your 40s, encephalopathy order cleocin gel 20gm with visa skin care 85037, hyperammonemia discount cleocin gel 20gm on-line skin care help, and liver dysfunction. These attacks are distinct from those associated with glycolytic defects in that they occur after prolonged exercise, fasting, febrile illness, or other provocations that may increase muscle dependence on free fatty acids. Findings on muscle biopsy are usually normal except for evidence of muscle myopathic injury after rhabdomyolysis. Secondary Carnitine Deficiency Most carnitine deficiencies are secondary to enzyme defects in oxidation. Defects in lipid metabolism lead to accumulation of acyl CoA molecules, which are converted to acylcarnitines, forms that are more readily excreted in urine. Impaired metabolism of valproic acid may similarly lead to excretion of valproylcarnitine and secondary carnitine deficiency. Some surviving adults experience a lipid storage myopathy with the clinical phenotype of a limb girdle syndrome. Abnormal urinary excretion of organic acids is a critical clue to differentiate these disorders from primary carnitine deficiency. Some cases of multiple flavin dependent dehydrogenase deficiency respond to riboflavin. Forearm exercise results in a normal rise in the lactate level but no increase in the ammonia level. These fibers appear �ragged red� with trichrome stain and may fail to react for cytochrome c oxidase. However, because the majority of mitochondrial proteins (95%) are encoded from nuclear genes, mitochondrial disorders can also have autosomal dominant and even X linked hereditary patterns. From a biochemical standpoint, mitochondrial disorders can be due to defects proximal to the respiratory chain (involving substrate transport and utilization) or within the respiratory chain. Viewed in this way, the derangements in lipid metabolism can be considered �mitochondrial� dysfunctions. Acetyl CoA feeds into the mitochondria to enter the Krebs cycle and the respiratory chain. This disease, which has a later onset of symptoms than Kearns Sayre syndrome does, is often accompanied by various degrees of encephalomyopathy and neuropathy. Dichloroacetate seemed beneficial in anecdotal reports, but a placebo controlled trial demonstrated that dichloroacetate causes peripheral neuropathy and is not of benefit. Other features can include cardiomyopathy, renal tubular defects, seizures, and liver failure. There is also a benign infantile form in which the hypotonic infants can survive and appear normal by 2 or 3 years of age. The nondystrophic myotonias and the periodic paralyses are caused by mutations of various ion channels in muscle (Table 6). Chloride Channelopathies Myotonia congenita is due to point mutations in the muscle chloride channel gene on chromosome 7q35. Cold increases the myotonia, and sustained exercise improves it (warm up phenomenon). The membrane defect consists of markedly reduced chloride conductance with resulting hyperexcitability and afterdepolarization that produces involuntary myotonic potentials. Many patients do not require treatment, but drugs such as quinine, procainamide, phenytoin, and mexiletine may be effective in reducing symptomatic myotonia. All have symptoms that begin in the first decade and continue throughout life, and there is considerable clinical overlap between the disorders. During attacks, patients are areflexic with normal sensation, and there is no ocular or respiratory muscle weakness. The serum potassium level may or may not be increased during the attack, and therefore a more appropriate term may be potassium sensitive periodic paralysis. Strength is generally normal between attacks, but some patients can have mild interictal limb girdle weakness. Episodes of weakness are rarely serious enough to require acute therapy; oral carbohydrates or glucose may improve the weakness. These disorders include acetazolamide responsive myotonia, myotonia fluctuans (myotonia that fluctuates on a daily basis), and myotonia permanens. Calcium Channelopathies Hypokalemic periodic paralysis is due to abnormal muscle membrane excitability arising either from mutations in the muscle calcium channel subunit on chromosome 1q31 32 or, in a small proportion of cases, from a mutation in the skeletal muscle sodium channel. The 1 subunit of the calcium channel contains the dihydropyridine receptor, which acts as a pore for conducting calcium ions in the T tubule. It is the most frequent form of periodic paralysis, is more common in males, and has reduced penetrance in females. Rarely, the ocular, bulbar, and respiratory muscles can be involved in severe attacks. Later, the frequency of attacks can diminish, but many patients have proximal weakness; in occasional patients, this weakness produces severe incapacity. Preventive measures include a low carbohydrate, low sodium diet and drugs such as acetazolamide, dichlorphenamide, spironolactone, and triamterene. In severe episodes, particularly in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms, parenteral potassium therapy may be necessary.

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Supplemental fow of air has been found equally effective to oxygen in this context. Don�t use stool softeners alone to prevent opioid induced constipation 4 Docusate is a widely used stool softener. A review of the evidence found that docusate is no more effective than placebo in the prevention or management of constipation and suggests that the drug has very little utility when given alone for opioid induced constipation. Compared with placebo, docusate did not increase stool frequency or soften the stool. Docusate also failed to alleviate the common symptoms of opioid induced constipation such as diffculty passing stools, hard stools, abdominal cramping, and incomplete stool passage. Don�t transfuse red blood cells for arbitrary hemoglobin or hematocrit thresholds in the 5 absence of symptoms, or if no beneft was perceived from previous transfusions. Indications for blood transfusion depend on clinical assessment and are also guided by the etiology of the anemia. No single laboratory measurement or physiologic parameter can predict the need for blood transfusion. Recommendations were based on experience and relevance to palliative care practice in Canada. The recommendations were discussed and revised with the Choosing Wisely Canada campaign team to ensure the recommendations were in keeping with the overall campaign objectives. Item 1 was adapted with permission from the Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question in Hospice and Palliative Medicine, � 2013 American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Item 5 was adopted with permission from the Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question, � 2014 Canadian Society of Internal Medicine. Increased satisfaction with care and lower costs: results of a randomized trial of in home palliative care. The economic and clinical impact of an inpatient palliative care consultation service: a multifaceted approach. Symptom distress, interventions, and outcomes of intensive care unit cancer patients referred to a palliative care consult team. Aggressiveness of cancer care near the end of life: is it a quality of care issue Effect of early palliative care on chemotherapy use and end of life care in patients with metastatic non small cell lung cancer. Evidence based interventions to improve the palliative care of pain, dyspnea, and depression at the end of life: a clinical practice guideline from the American College of Physicians. Longitudinal perceptions of prognosis and goals of therapy in patients with metastatic non small cell lung cancer: results of a randomized study of early palliative care. The impact of advance care planning on end of life care in elderly patients: randomised controlled trial. Evaluation of the introduction of an advanced care plan into multiple palliative care settings. Effect of palliative oxygen versus room air in relief of breathlessness in patients with refractory dyspnoea: a double blind, randomised controlled trial. A randomized, double blind, crossover trial of the effect of oxygen on dyspnea in patients with advanced cancer. Oxygen for relief of dyspnoea in mildly or non hypoxaemic patients with cancer: a systematic review and meta analysis. A comparison of sennosides based bowel protocols with and without docusate in hospitalized patients with cancer. Randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial of oral docusate in the management of constipation in hospice patients. Transfusion thresholds and other strategies for guiding allogeneic red blood cell transfusion. Effcacy of red blood cell transfusion in the critically ill: a systematic review of the literature. Over the counter Vitamin D supplements and increased summer sun exposure are suffcient for most otherwise healthy patients. Laboratory testing is appropriate in higher risk patients when results will be used to institute more aggressive therapy. Don�t screen women with Pap smears if under 21 years of age or over 69 years of age. Screening before the recommended age of initiation (age 21 in most provinces), screening women over the age of 69, or annual screening is not recommended. Avoid routine preoperative laboratory testing for low risk surgeries without a clinical 3 indication. Most preoperative laboratory tests (typically a complete blood count, prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time, basic metabolic panel and urinalysis) performed on elective surgical patients are normal. In almost all cases, no adverse outcomes are observed when clinically stable patients undergo elective surgery, irrespective of whether an abnormal test is identifed. Preoperative laboratory testing is appropriate in symptomatic patients and those with risks factors for which diagnostic testing can provide clarifcation of patient surgical risk. Particularly in patients with longer term hospital stays, there is some evidence that repeated blood testing can have a negative effect on patients including some increase in anemia. Trauma patients often have blood draws repeated frequently even in the absence of indications of hematologic instability on admission. Don�t send urine specimens for culture on asymptomatic patients including the elderly, 5 diabetics, or as a follow up to confrm effective treatment.

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This allows regurgitation buy generic cleocin gel 20gm line skin care 5th avenue peachtree city, or pressures on the left side of the heart are reflected backward into the backflow of blood buy cleocin gel 20 gm on-line acne 7 year old, through the valve into the area it just left cheap cleocin gel 20gm visa skin care lines for estheticians. Regur pulmonary system buy cleocin gel 20gm overnight delivery acne images, causing pulmonary edema, pulmonary hyper gitation can result from deformity or erosion of valve cusps caused tension, and, eventually, right ventricular failure. The flow becomes turbulent, causing a murmur, a enlarges, the valve annulus (supporting ring of the valve) is stretched, characteristic manifestation of valvular disease. Table 31�8 describes and the valve edges no longer meet to allow complete closure. Valvular disease causes hemodynamic changes both in front Blood forced through the narrowed opening of a stenotic valve of and behind the affected valve. Blood volume and pressures are or regurgitated from a higher pressure chamber through an incom reduced in front of the valve, because flow is obstructed through a petent valve creates a jet stream effect (much like water spurting out stenotic valve and backflow occurs through a regurgitant valve. The physical force of this jet contrast, volumes and pressures characteristically increase behind stream damages the endocardium of the receiving chamber, increas the diseased valve. These hemodynamic changes may lead to pulmo ing the risk for infective endocarditis. Higher pressures and compen the higher pressures on the left side of the heart subject its valves satory changes to maintain cardiac output lead to remodeling and (the mitral and aortic valves) to more stress and damage than those hypertrophy of the heart muscle. Pulmonic Stenosis increases the work of the chamber behind the affected valve disease is the least common of the valvular disorders. In mitral stenosis, for example, the left atrium Mitral stenosis narrows the mitral valve, obstructing blood flow from hypertrophies to generate enough pressure to open and deliver its the left atrium into the left ventricle during diastole. Not all of the blood is de by rheumatic heart disease or bacterial endocarditis; it rarely results livered before the valve closes, leaving blood to accumulate in the left from congenital defects. Eventually, cardiac output falls as compensatory mechanisms In mitral valve stenosis, fibrous tissue replaces normal valve tis become less effective. The normal balance of oxygen supply and de sue, causing valve leaflets to stiffen and fuse. Increased muscle mass blood flow through the valve lead to calcification of the valve leaf and size increase myocardial oxygen consumption. As the valve leaflets be right heart failure, including jugular venous distention, hepatomegaly, come less mobile, the chordae tendineae fuse, thicken, and shorten. In severe mitral stenosis, cyanosis of the face and the narrowed mitral opening impairs blood flow into the left extremities may be noted. This murmur of mitral stenosis occurs during diastole, and is typically a leads to left atrial hypertrophy. The left atrium also dilates as ob low pitched, rumbling, crescendo�decrescendo sound. As the resistance to blood best with the bell of the stethoscope in the apical region. It may be flow increases, high atrial pressures are reflected back into the pul accompanied by a palpable thrill (vibration). Its manifestations depend on cardiac W omen with mitral stenosis may be asymptomatic until preg output and pulmonary vascular pressures. Others include cough, ume (30% more in pregnancy) by increasing cardiac output, left atrial hemoptysis, frequent pulmonary infections such as bronchitis and pressures rise, tachycardia reduces ventricular filling and stroke vol pneumonia, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, orthopnea, weakness, ume, and pulmonary pressures increase. As the stenosis worsens, manifestations of and heart failure may threaten the lives of the mother and fetus. Degenerative calcification of the mitral annulus may cause mitral 3 regurgitation in older women. Processes that dilate the mitral an nulus or affect the supporting structures, papillary muscles, or the chordae tendineae may cause mitral regurgitation. In mitral regurgitation, blood flows into both the systemic circu lation and back into the left atrium through the deformed valve dur ing systole. The left atrium dilates to accommodate its extra volume, pulling the posterior 4 valve leaflet further away from the valve opening and worsening the defect. The left ventricle dilates to accommodate its increased preload and low cardiac output, further aggravating the problem. In severe or acute regurgitation, manifestations of left sided heart failure develop, including pulmonary congestion 2 and edema. The murmur of mitral regurgitation is usually loud, high pitched, rumbling, and holosystolic (occurring throughout systole). It is often accompanied by a palpable thrill and is heard most clearly Blood flow at the cardiac apex. It may be characterized as a cooing or gull like Reduced blood flow sound or as having a musical quality. Rising pressure in the left atrium (4) occurs when one or both mitral valve cusps billow into the atrium causes left atrial hypertrophy and pulmonary congestion. It also can result from acute or chronic rheumatic damage, Chapter 31 � Nursing Care of Patients with Cardiac Disorders 953 1 1 3 2 4 5 2 3 Blood flow Blood flow Reduced blood flow Reduced blood flow Backward pressure against flow Figure 31�13 � Mitral valve prolapse. Excess tissue in the valve leaflets (1) and elongated cordae tendineae (2) impair mitral valve Figure 31�12 � Mitral regurgitation. Some ventricular blood regurgitates into incompletely (1), allowing blood to regurgitate during systole the left atrium (3). Elevated pulmonary artery pressure (5) causes slight enlargement of the right ventricle.

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