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By: William A. Weiss, MD, PhD

  • Professor, Neurology UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA


The health care worker should aim to discount hiforce ods 50 mg without prescription erectile dysfunction doctor in virginia be supportive and reassuring to buy hiforce ods 50 mg with visa erectile dysfunction raleigh nc the patient and family purchase 50 mg hiforce ods visa erectile dysfunction doctor atlanta. If these measures do not succeed then drug treatment should be started with neuroleptics buy hiforce ods 50 mg online male erectile dysfunction pills. In patients with acute delirium, it may be necessary to use higher starting doses, 1. Chlorpromazine 25-50 mg (or 50-100 mg if necessary) po/im/8 hourly is an alternative. In the later stages of an advanced or terminal disease treatment should start directly with neuroleptics. If there is a major anxiety component, then an anxiolytic may be used in addition to neuroleptics. If the cause is raised intracranial pressure, then steroids, usually dexamethasone 8 mg/po/iv is given twice or three times daily (steroids can be given once daily as a single dose) until symptoms are controlled and then it is reduced after 3-5 days to 4 mg twice or once daily or twice weekly as is necessary. The second dose should ideally not be later than early afternoon as steroids can sometimes cause insomnia. The drugs most commonly used to treat confusional states are outlined below in Table 20. Acute management is directed at protecting the patient from immediate injury and aspiration and the emergency drug treatment and prevention of recurrences. Benzodiazepines followed by phenytoin or phenobarbitone are the drugs of frst choice for active or prolonged tonic clonic seizures. The choice of drug, dosage and frequency may have to be adjusted according to the age of the patient and the underlying disorder and these have already been outlined in chapter 4. Dysphagia this is a frequent and very disabling symptom in patients with neurological disease. The main causes include all causes of coma, stroke, motor neurone disease, myasthenia gravis and acute neuropathies. The main presenting complaints are inability or difculty eating, drinking or swallowing safely. Quite apart from the practical difculties is the loss of enjoyment of eating and drinking. The main aim is to support safe oral feeding for as long as possible while avoiding aspiration, dehydration, malnutrition and patient exhaustion. Good nursing/ family care is needed as these patients are more difcult to feed and usually take longer. Some practical measures to deal with dysphagia include upright positioning whilst feeding, physical therapy with chewing and swallowing exercises, a high calorie diet with food/liquids thickened and regular oral hygiene every 2-4 hourly. Nasogastric tube feeding is a useful temporary or short term measure but should be avoided where death is inevitable as occurs in dementia. Measures used to treat dysphagia in neurological disorders are summarised in Table 20. The main aim in treatment is to maintain adequate fuid and calorie intake and good oral hygiene. The antiemetics metoclopramide and domperidone are useful for nausea of gastrointestinal origin. Ondansetron is helpful for chemotherapy and drug induced nausea and cyclizine in combination with dexamethasone for vomiting in patients with raised intracranial pressure. The aim of treatment is to increase mobility and avoid pain, contractures and bedsores. The management of spasticity mainly involves physiotherapy, occupational therapy and drug treatment (Chapter 10). Physiotherapy involves passive stretching exercises and local measures including joint supporting and splinting. The starting dose of diazepam is 2-5 mg three times daily increasing gradually over weeks to a maximum of 20 mg three times daily. The starting dose of baclofen is 5 mg William Howlett Neurology in Africa 439 Chapter 20 Care in neurology twice daily orally increasing slowly over weeks to 20-30 mg twice daily as required. Tese are mainly second line antispasmodics but are often used in conjunction with frst line drugs. Baclofen can be administered intrathecally by injection or pump for intractable spasticity and botulinum toxin is used by local injections for intractable spasticity, but both of these measures are only available at specialised centres. Pain resulting from spasticity or spasms can be very severe and is sometimes opioid refractory and needs high doses of muscle relaxants. The main aim of management of the immobile patient is to prevent pain, bed sores and contractures and to make the patient comfortable. This may involve urinary catheterization when there is a non-functioning bladder or the patient is unable to mobilise to the toilet. Care of paralysed or immobile limbs involves frequent passive movements and ensuring the patient�s position is regularly changed. This task is best done initially by a physiotherapist with the aid of antispasmodics and analgesics and the methods later taught to a family carer. Dyspnoea Breathlessness and cough are common and distressing symptoms in patients with neurological disorders. The main causes include stroke, infections, neuromuscular disorders and neurodegenerative disorders such as motor neurone disease. It is important to exclude acute reversible causes of respiratory failure such as myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, medications or infection. Non pharmacological management includes the use of oxygen and relaxation techniques. Ventilatory support is usually not a realistic option unless there is a reversible component. Management therefore in advanced neurological disorders involves the use of morphine initially 2.

Persistent clonus or more than 5 beats is always abnormal and indicates an upper motor neurone lesion hiforce ods 50mg visa doctor for erectile dysfunction in hyderabad. Clonus occurs less commonly around other joints but may be present at the knee and wrist hiforce ods 50 mg lowest price erectile dysfunction medications cost. In extrapyramidal disease the tone is increased and is classifed as either lead pipe or cogwheel in type cheap hiforce ods 50 mg with amex impotence young male. The rigidity is equally stif throughout both fexion and extension and is best appreciated by slowly fully fexing and extending the elbow and knee and by pronating and supinating the wrist purchase hiforce ods 50 mg free shipping erectile dysfunction smoking. It may be increased by distracting the patient by asking him to move the contralateral limb. The patient frst demonstrates muscle strength by active movements and then the examiner opposes those movements. This is done by the examiner stabilizing the limb proximal to the joint where the movement is being tested and then passively resisting the movement. Recognizing normal power is a matter of experience and allowances have to be made for the sick, old, young and for William Howlett Neurology in Africa 29 Chapter 1 history and examination Chapter 1 history and examination efort. A screening test for mild loss of power in the upper limbs is the pronator test; this involves holding the arms outstretched with the hands held in supination and eyes closed. If an arm drifts downwards and pronates it suggests mild pyramidal weakness on that side. In the ambulant patient walking on the heels is also a good guide to foot drop and walking on toes to weakness of the calf muscles. Rising out of a chair or from the squat position and climbing stairs are the best tests for weakness of the quadriceps and ileopsoas. The trunk muscles should be tested by asking the patient to sit up from the lying position. If the umbilicus moves excessively upwards in paraplegia it is called Beevor�s sign. To test power in the individual muscle groups do the following: � for shoulder abduction (C5, deltoids), ask the patient to abduct the arms 90 degrees and push upwards against the examiners hands resisting the movement � for elbow fexion (C6, biceps), ask the patient to extend the elbow 90 degrees and bend or pull the forearm towards his face against resistance � for elbow extension (C7 triceps), the patient extends (straightens) his forearm 90 degrees against resistance � for wrist extension (C7, wrist extensors), extension of the patient�s wrist with the fst closed is resisted � for fnger extension (C7, 8), the examiner uses two fngers to try to resist the patient extending the fngers � for fnger fexion (C8), the patient�s curled fngers of the hand cannot be prised open � for abduction and adduction of fngers (T1), forceful spread and coming together of the patient�s �fngers� is opposed � for abduction of the thumb (T1), the patient�s thumb is brought to a right angle with the palm and the movement opposed examining for power in the lower limbs starts with hip fexion (L1, L2 ileopsoas) � for hip fexion the patient fexes the hip and knee to 90 degrees and continues fexing the hip as hard as he can, the examiner places a hand on the lower thigh just above the knee to assess strength � for hip extension (L5 gluteus maximus), the patient lies fat and pushes down into the bed against the examiner�s hand which is placed under his heel � for knee extension (L3, L4 quadriceps) ask the patient to bend the knee to 90 degrees and to straighten the leg against resistance � for knee fexion (S1 biceps femoris), ask the patient to fex or bring his knee in 90 degrees towards his bottom while the examiner tries to straighten the leg against resistance 30 Part 1 � Clinical skills Neurological Examination examination of the limbs � for foot dorsifexion (L4, L5 tibialis anterior), ask the patient to extend the foot to 90 degrees while the examiner opposes the movement � for plantar fexion (S1 gastrocnemius), the patient pushes his foot down towards the ground against resistance Shoulder abduction Elbow extension Elbow exion (forearm midpronated) Wrist extension Deltoid Triceps Brachioradialis Extensors Axillary nerve Radial nerve Radial nerve Radial nerve C5 C7 C6 C7 Finger extension Finger exion Finger abduction Thumb abduction Extensor digitorum Flexor digitorum Dorsal interossel Median nerveAbductor pollicis brevis Radial nerve Median and ulnar nerve Ulnar nerveT1 T1 C7 C8 Hip exion Hip exion Knee extension Hip extension Iliopsoas Quadriceps femoris Quadriceps femoris Gluteus maximus Lumbar plexus and femoral nerve Femoral nerve Femoral nerve Sciatic nerve L1 L2 L3 L4 L3 L4 L5 S1 Knee exion Ankle dorsi exion Plantar exion Hamstrings Tibialis anterior Gastrocnemius and soleus Sciatic nerve Common peroneal nerve Sciatic nerve L5 S1 L4 L5 S1 S2 Figure 1. Any signifcant weakness or impairment of joint position sense invalidates the tests for coordination. Cerebellar dysfunction is characterized by incoordination of speech, limbs and gait. The speech in cerebellar disease is dysarthric or slow and slurred with a typical scanning quality of getting stuck on the consonants. Nystagmus is a sign of cerebellar disease and is worse on looking to the side of the lesion. The main tests of incoordination are the fnger nose test, the heel shin test and gait. The fnger nose test this test is carried out with the arms fully extended horizontally by asking the patient to touch the tip of his nose with the tip of the index fnger of his right hand followed by the same with his left hand. An alternative method involves asking the patient to touch the tip of his nose followed by touching the tip of the examiner�s index fnger. The examiner�s index fnger should be held at arm�s length away in front of the patient ensuring that the patient has to fully stretch to touch the fnger. The examiner should observe the patient for any obvious limb ataxia and intention tremor with increased oscillation on nearing the target. The frst step is asking the patient to frst hold the foot up in the air, then step two to place the heel on the other knee and slowly run it down the shin. Any wobble on reaching the target or side to side or falling of movement on sliding down the shin points to cerebellar disease on the same side. The former is known as dysdiadochokinesia and is demonstrated by rapid tapping the palmThe heel-shin test of one hand alternately with the palm and back of the other hand and then repeating on the opposite hand. In the normal person the alternate movements are smooth and regular whereas in cerebellar disease they are irregular in amplitude and timing and are jerky. Difculty judging distance or dysmetria is shown by repeatedly tapping the back of one hand with the palm of the other. This can normally be done rhythmically and quickly but in cerebellar disease the movement is uneven and jerky which can be both seen and heard. The rebound phenomenon occurs in cerebellar disease where the tapped outstretched hand oscillates before coming back to rest. The gait in cerebellar disease is wide based and ataxic and worse on walking a straight line with a tendency to fall to the side of the lesion. The muscle to be tested must be under a degree of stretch and it is normal to test the main refexes with the arms, knees and ankles fexed at a 90 degree angle. If refexes are still absent despite relaxation then this should be confrmed with reinforcement, pulling the fexed fngers of two hands tightly together for the lower limbs and clenching the teeth for the upper limbs. Use the whole length of the patella hammer and swing the rubber end on to a tendon or your fnger overlying the tendon. The most common cause of absent refexes is poor technique with a clumsy or inadequate blow of target. Increased refexes may be due to nervousness (or rarely thyrotoxicosis) when in time they will revert to normal and the plantar refexes are down going. Very brisk refexes indicate an upper motor neurone lesion in particular when coupled with other signs such as hypertonia, clonus and extensor plantar responses. In order to elicit the main refexes do as follows: � elicit the biceps with the arm adducted across the chest wall, put your fnger on the biceps tendon and tap it watching the biceps muscle for contraction � for the supinator refex, place your fnger over the lower third of the radius and hit the fnger with a hammer watching the brachioradialis contract � for the triceps refex, with the arm in the same position strike the tendon at a 90 degree angle watching for the triceps to contract � in the legs for the knee refex, place the free arm under and supporting the knees keeping them fexed to a 90 degree angle. Strike the patella tendon near its origin and watch the quadriceps for contraction William Howlett Neurology in Africa 33 Chapter 1 history and examination Chapter 1 history and examination � for the ankle refex, the knee should be fexed to 90 degrees with the leg in external rotation lying to the side and the medial malleolus pointing upwards.

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While many people automatically think of an �end of topic� test as a key assessment task 50mg hiforce ods with amex erectile dysfunction causes tiredness, it is important to generic 50mg hiforce ods visa erectile dysfunction drugs walmart understand that assessment serves several purposes and must be conducted at multiple points throughout the learning process generic hiforce ods 50 mg erectile dysfunction and pump. Black and William (2009) emphasise the need for ongoing assessment generic 50mg hiforce ods with visa erectile dysfunction best medication, as it provides three key functions: establishing what students already know, what they need to know and determining what to do to reach these goals. If this is done regularly, the educational process is managed so that misunderstandings, repetition of already mastered content and other difficulties are minimised. To accurately assess a student�s needs, the reason behind their difficulty must be determined. This could be a range of reasons, including misunderstanding the language used, the purpose of the task or the task itself, being misled by an unimportant element of the task, using ineffective strategies or simply not providing a clear or sufficiently detailed response (Black & William, 2009). It is also possible that the student does in fact have the targeted skills or knowledge mastered, but simply misunderstood what was required of them. Thus, ongoing assessment conducted in a manner that allows for effective analysis of student needs is essential for effective teaching and learning. In the context of developing a virtual social skills tutor for children with autism, ideas from two key areas must be synthesised: assessment of social skills and computer automated assessment techniques. Here we provide a brief overview of techniques that can potentially be integrated into a virtual tutoring context, including observations, interviews, self-reports, checklists and scales. This is typically combined with a checklist or other rigorous method of systematically recording children�s behaviours. Unfortunately, assessment through observing real social situations is not a viable technique in a computer based system intended for independent use and thus determining whether an issue reflects an underlying skill deficit or performance deficit is difficult. Having the learner interact with virtual humans in role play situations and recording learner behaviours in these situations may help to determine such differences. Another way of potentially integrating observations into a software program would be to provide a mechanism through which adults working with the learner can input their observations into the software system. Interviews are difficult to reliably conduct in a natural, open-ended way in software; however, asking a question and allowing the interviewee to respond using multiple choice check boxes or sliding scales may be a viable option. Such a technique could also be used for self-reporting by the student, however care must be taken when using self-reports for judging social competency, as discrepancies can exist between what a student knows they should do and what they actually do. It can also be a challenge to determine whether a difficulty stems from a skills deficit or a performance deficit, however, the distinction impacts strongly on the educational tasks required to overcome the difficulty (Bellack, 1983). Carefully constructed and clearly worded questions can provide a valuable starting point for social skills education and are simple to implement in software. This process can be automated and thus incorporated into an autonomous social tutor. Measuring social competence by observing displayed behaviours has been suggested as insufficient and assessing social problem-solving and critical thinking skills, identification of a key idea and interpretation of abstract language may in fact give a better indication of a learner�s social competence (Garcia Winner, 2002). The development of an assessment tool that is reliable, valid, appropriately sensitive to change, and reflects the learner�s overall performance is still an active research area in itself (Gresham et al. Traditional approaches with closed-end answers, for example multiple choice questions and fill in the blanks, do not allow the learner to adequately demonstrate their knowledge. In many cases a learner can explain what behaviours are expected of them, but fail to demonstrate these behaviours in the situations we intend them to be performed in. The system continually collects information about user interactions with the system, including keyboard input, mouse actions and camera feed, and uses this to understand the child�s behaviour and respond to it in real time. The Tutor Agent selects the current teaching strategy based on its knowledge of the user needs and profile, which includes preferences, general information, history and domain knowledge. It stores experiences and updates the user history and profile where applicable, making the overall system adaptable to individual needs. The software employs a memory system based on Schank�s Dynamic Memory Model, where Generalised Episodes are extracted from similar events, allowing for past episodes applicable to the current one to be rapidly found. System behaviours are determined using case-based reasoning, where past solutions and behaviours are applied to current ones. Embodied Conversational Agents for Education in Autism 399 Gao and Xu (2007) also developed a model for assessing student needs and delivering applicable content based on Herbert A. The four stages of the model are the intelligence stage, where information is gathered and the problem identified, the design stage where success criteria and alternative solutions are proposed, the choice stage where the best alternative is chosen and the review stage where the outcome is analysed. The review stage can help influence the intelligence stage for future decisions, improving outcomes over time and ensuring the system is adaptable. Martin and VanLehn (1995) implemented a Bayesian network approach to assess student understanding of university level physics. The network takes student behaviours as input and calculates the probability that they know and are using the appropriate rule for the given question. Bayesian networks allow for the system�s hypotheses about student knowledge to be ranked rather than just classified, providing a flexible approach to assessment and better informing the sequence of tasks presented to the student. Conati (2002) proposes a method for implementing a decision-theoretic agent, that is, one where the agent makes decisions based on maximising the likelihood of a desired outcome. In the decision-theoretic model, world states are assigned a value indicating their desirability and agents provide a value indicating their belief that the particular state will lead to the desired outcome. Using this information, actions are selected with the aim of bringing the system closer to the desired goal. Negative emotional states are not conducive to learning and it is the job of the tutor to guide learners through these states and into a positive affective state, as human teachers do (Kort et al. Hu and Xia (2010) also use latent semantic techniques in their automated assessment system, first performing pre-processing of student answers to generate a document of relevant words then comparing this to the 400 A Comprehensive Book on Autism Spectrum Disorders similarly processed expected response. Hu and Xia (2010) found no significant difference between the grades provided by their system and those provided by teachers, suggesting that this is an educationally valid technique. While some form of statistical similarity measures may be applicable for assessment in this context, it will be dependent on the tasks presented. A number of concept map types exist, and the type used should be considered carefully in relation to the desired outcome, as no dominant or recommended method currently exists (Park & Calvo, 2008).

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Business leaders said graduates lack the skills and competences their companies actually need. But when designing a new system�whether for learning or performance� how do you think through all of the factors potentially affecting behavior How do you ensure the various elements are designed in harmony and with common ends in mind De partment of Defense after a 1981 General Accounting Offce report revealed that 50% of all military equipment failures were caused by human error and a corresponding U. Army report that found that many military human errors could be traced back to poor development processes that failed to suffciently consider human performance concerns. While many of these are designed for projects involving highly complex sociotechnical systems. For instance, experience de sign has concepts, methods, and use-cases for constructing memorable and motivating holistic experiences, often at scale through mass customization techniques. Similarly, behavioral economics helps us understand more about individuals� real-world (�predictably irrational�) decisions, and it teaches us ways to �nudge� behaviors, whether to persuade individuals or shift whole communities. Below is a list of recommendations drawn from across them, although it surely only scratches the surface. Identify and focus on the actual goal Across all application areas, a prerequisite of effective design is its conceptu alization as a goal-directed process. While this may sound evident, too often people fail to identify the actual goal, and instead focus narrowly on imme diate actions or process outcomes, without thinking through the larger �why. Originally, the true goal of a compliance course may have been to address some actual risk, say, to train employees to avoid cyber-scams. The program manager assigned to the job, however, may inadvertently change the goal from reducing cybersecurity incidents to mitigating organizational risk�a seemingly small change. As the job progresses, the goal drifts further, from designing training that mitigates organizational risk to creating an inter vention that shifts risk. This, in turn, may infuence programmatic decisions; for instance, the program manager might begin to view the mere exposure to training information (rather than effective transfer-of-training) as suffcient for shifting the risk. Logically, then, the program manager may select the most economical ap proaches for creating that exposure. Meanwhile, the instructional designer is likely given a stack of materials and told to �train� employees on them�al beit with limited resources. Now, his apparent goal becomes communicating as much information as possible under challenging constraints. Subsequently, supervisors� goals become checking off each employee from a completion list, and employees� goals become completing the training as quickly as pos sible. Jesse James Gar clarifying how data-driven decisions 23 about training connect to the mission. Application of Garrett�s methods, or similar goal-focused design processes, can profoundly and positively affect learning design. They also require that designers (at all levels through out the processes) challenge assumptions, strive to understand and work to wards strategic (rather than just local) goals, and consider creative approaches that fall outside of traditional practices, such as using informal interventions, holistic experience design, or nudge techniques. Apply holistic user-centered design methods Results published by the National Academies Press show that only 34% of technology development projects in the U. For instance, rather than focusing largely on cognition, also consider other internal pro cesses such as emotion, confdence, and motivation. Getting students access to a healthy breakfast is potentially a great personalization of the learning Learning Experience Design | 97 environment! Design for real�messy, irrational�humans Cognitive science and behavioral economics teach that humans are predict ably irrational. We�re prone to making expedient (rather than optimal) deci sions, substantially more motivated to avoid loss than seek gain, and vulnera ble to a slew of other biases. This may mean, for instance, designing for emotional effect or carefully avoiding information overload during a learning experience. As part of a creative, holistic user-centered design approach, also consider nudge techniques to augment the more obvious learning interventions. Nudg es can help individuals overcome inherent biases and might be useful, for example, in encouraging self-regulated learning practices, such as studying or refection. Also, reach beyond the straightforward cognitive domain, and con sider nudges related to other behaviors that may impact learning, like well being and self-care. Behavioral economics and nudge theory offer excellent examples to inspire these interventions. Related felds, including industrial design, graphic design, and communication, also offer tools for designing in terfaces, spaces, contexts, and content elements to achieve persuasive effects. As experience design and instruc tional theory both teach, a given experience is preceded by a preparatory or anticipatory phase, and it�s followed by a refective one.

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