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By: William A. Weiss, MD, PhD

  • Professor, Neurology UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

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Then sumatriptan 50 mg low price spasms of the colon, each eye may be alternately covered to buy sumatriptan 25 mg online zopiclone muscle relaxant try to discount 50mg sumatriptan with visa muscle relaxant drug names demonstrate which of the two images is the false one sumatriptan 25 mg mastercard spasms while eating, namely that from the non xing eye. Manifest squints (heterotropia) are obvious but seldom a cause of diplopia if long-standing. Latent squints may be detected using the cover�uncover test, when the shift in xation of the eyes indicates an imbalance in the visual axes; this may account for diplopia if the normal compensation breaks down. Transient diplopia (minutes to hours) suggests the possibility of myasthenia gravis. Divergence of the visual axes or ophthalmoplegia without diplopia sug gests a long-standing problem, such as amblyopia or chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia. Cross References Motor neglect; Neglect Disc Swelling Swelling or oedema of the optic nerve head may be visualized by ophthal moscopy. It produces haziness of the nerve bre layer obscuring the underlying vessels; there may also be haemorrhages and loss of spontaneous retinal venous pulsation. Disc swelling due to oedema must be distinguished from pseudopapil loedema, elevation of the optic disc not due to oedema, in which the nerve bre layer is clearly seen. The clinical history, visual acuity, and visual elds may help determine the cause of disc swelling. Recognized causes of disc swelling include � Unilateral: Optic neuritis Acute ischaemic optic neuropathy (arteritic, non-arteritic) Orbital compressive lesions. The disinhibited patient may be inap propriately jocular (witzelsucht), short-tempered (verbally abusive, physically aggressive), distractible (impaired attentional mechanisms), and show emo tional lability. A Disinhibition Scale encompassing various domains (motor, intellectual, instinctive, affective, sensitive) has been described. Disinhibition is a feature of frontal lobe, particularly orbitofrontal, dysfunc tion. This may be due to neurodegenerative disorders (frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer�s disease), mass lesions, or be a feature of epileptic seizures. Cross References Attention; Emotionalism, Emotional lability; Frontal lobe syndromes; Witzelsucht Dissociated Sensory Loss Dissociated sensory loss refers to impairment of selected sensory modalities with preservation, or sparing, of others. For example, a focal central cord pathology such as syringomyelia will, in the early stages, selectively involve decussating bres of the spinothalamic pathway within the ventral commissure, thus impair ing pain and temperature sensation (often in a suspended, �cape-like�, �bathing suit�, �vest-like�, or cuirasse distribution), whilst the dorsal columns are spared, leaving proprioception intact. Conversely, pathologies con ned, largely or exclusively, to the dorsal columns (classically tabes dorsalis and subacute combined degenera tion of the cord from vitamin B12 de ciency, but probably most commonly seen with compressive cervical myelopathy) impair proprioception, sometimes suf cient to produce pseudoathetosis or sensory ataxia, whilst pain and temperature sensation is preserved. A double dissociation of sensory modalities on opposite sides of the trunk is seen in the Brown�Sequard syndrome. Small bre peripheral neuropathies may selectively affect the bres which transmit pain and temperature sensation, leading to a glove-and-stocking impair ment to these modalities. Neuropathic (Charcot) joints and skin ulceration may occur in this situation; tendon re exes may be preserved. Cross References Analgesia; Ataxia; Brown�Sequard syndrome; Charcot joint; Main succulente; Myelopathy; Proprioception; Pseudoathetosis; Sacral sparing Dissociation Dissociation is an umbrella term for a wide range of symptoms involving feelings of disconnection from the body (depersonalization) or the surroundings (dere alization). Common in psychiatric disorders (depression, anxiety, schizophre nia), these symptoms are also encountered in neurological conditions (epilepsy, migraine, presyncope), conditions such as functional weakness and non-epilpetic attacks, and in isolation by a signi cant proportion of the general population. Symptoms of dizziness and blankness may well be the result of dissociative states rather than neurological disease. The superior division or ramus supplies the superior rectus and levator palpebrae superioris muscles; the inferior division or ramus supplies medial rectus, inferior rectus and inferior oblique muscles. Isolated dys function of these muscular groups allows diagnosis of a divisional palsy and suggests pathology at the superior orbital ssure or anterior cavernous sinus. However, occasionally this division may occur more proximally, at the fascicu lar level. Proximal superior division oculomotor nerve palsy from metastatic subarachnoid in ltration Journal of Neurology 2002; 249: 343�344. Although this can be done in a conscious patient focusing on a visual target, smooth pursuit eye movements may compensate for head turn ing; hence the head impulse test (q. The manoeuvre is easier to do in the unconscious patient, when testing for the integrity of brainstem re exes. Cross References Bell�s phenomenon, Bell�s sign; Caloric testing; Coma; Head impulse test; Oculocephalic response; Supranuclear gaze palsy; Vestibulo-ocular re exes 112 Dropped Head Syndrome D Dorsal Guttering Dorsal guttering refers to the marked prominence of the extensor tendons on the dorsal surface of the hand when intrinsic hand muscles (especially interossei) are wasted, as may occur in an ulnar nerve lesion, a lower brachial plexus lesion, or a T1 root lesion. Benign extramedullary tumours at the foramen magnum may also produce this picture (remote atrophy, a �false-localizing sign�). In many elderly people the extensor tendons are prominent in the absence of signi cant muscle wasting. Cross Reference Wasting Double Elevator Palsy this name has been given to monocular elevation paresis. It may occur in associ ation with pretectal supranuclear lesions either contralateral or ipsilateral to the paretic eye interrupting efferents from the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus to the superior rectus and inferior oblique subnuclei. This syndrome has a broad differ ential diagnosis, encompassing disorders which may cause axial truncal muscle weakness, especially of upper thoracic and paraspinous muscles. Treatment of the underlying condition may be possible, hence investigation is mandatory. Cross References Antecollis; Camptocormia; Myopathy Drusen Drusen are hyaline bodies that are typically seen on and around the optic nerve head and may be mistaken for papilloedema (�pseudopapilloedema�). They occur sporadically or may be inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, and are common, occurring in 2% of the population. Drusen are usually asymptomatic but can cause visual eld defects (typically an inferior nasal visual eld loss) or occasionally transient visual obscurations, but not changes in visual acuity; these require investigation for an alternative cause. When there is doubt whether papilloedema or drusen is the cause of a swollen optic nerve head, retinal uorescein angiography is required. Cross References Disc swelling; Papilloedema; Pseudopapilloedema; Visual eld defects 114 Dysarthria D Dynamic Aphasia Dynamic aphasia refers to an aphasia characterized by dif culty initiating speech output, ascribed to executive dysfunction.

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  • The surgeon will make sure you have good blood flow in your lower leg. Then your cut will be closed. You may have an x-ray called an arteriogram to make sure that the graft is working.
  • Excessive sweating or night sweats
  • Texture change
  • Chest tightness
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Breathing problems