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By: William A. Weiss, MD, PhD

  • Professor, Neurology UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

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Therapeutic Com m unicatestoobtainand Com m unicateinaculturally Com m unicateinaculturally E ffectivelycom m unicateina com m unicationand clearlytransm itinform ation sensitivem anner. Dem onstrateprofessional Dem onstrateprofessional Dem onstrateprofessional Isarolem odelof exem plary behaviorincluding:butnot behaviorincluding:butnot behaviorincluding:butnot professionalbehaviorincluding: lim itedto,integrity,em pathy, lim itedto,integrity,em pathy, lim itedto,integrity,em pathy, butnotlim itedto,integrity, self-m otivation, self-m otivation, self-m otivation, em pathy,self-m otivation, appearance/personalhygiene, appearance/personalhygiene, appearance/personalhygiene, appearance/personalhygiene, Professionalism self-confidence, self-confidence, self-confidence, self-confidence, com m unications,tim e com m unications,tim e com m unications,tim e com m unications,tim e m anagem ent,team work/ m anagem ent,team work/ m anagem ent,team work/ m anagem ent,team work/ diplom acy,respect,patient diplom acy,respect,patient diplom acy,respect,patient diplom acy,respect,patient advocacy,andcarefuldelivery advocacy,andcarefuldelivery advocacy,andcarefuldelivery advocacy,andcarefuldelivery of service. Perform sbasicandadvanced Initiatessim pleinterventions Initiatesbasicinterventions Initiatesbasicandselected interventionsaspartof a basedonassessm entfindings. R eportanddocum ent R ecordsim pleassessm ent R eportanddocum ent R eportanddocum ent assessm entfindingsand findingsandinterventions assessm entdataand assessm entfindingsand interventions. E nsurethesafetyof therescuer E nsurethesafetyof therescuer E nsurethesafetyof therescuer E nsurethesafetyof therescuer SceneSafety andothersduring anem ergency. These Thestudentm ustdem onstratethe canbeperform edinan abilitytosafelygainvascular em ergencydepartm ent, access(thestudentshouldsafely, am bulance,clinic,nursing andwhileperform ing allstepsof hom e,doctor�soffice,etc. Accreditation the granting of approval by an official review board after meeting specific requirements. The review board is nongovernmental, and the review is collegial and based on self-assessment, peer assessment, and judgment. Advanced-level care Care that has greater potential benefit to the patient, but also greater potential risk to the patient if improperly or inappropriately performed. It is more difficult to attain and maintain competency in, and requires significant background knowledge in basic and applied sciences. Affective domain Describes learning in terms of feelings/emotions, attitudes, and values. In this type of instruction, learner-to-learner and learner-to-instructor interactions are independent of time and place. Communications and submission of work typically follow a schedule while learners and instructors do not interact at the same time. Certification the issuing of a certificate by a private agency based upon competency standards adopted by that agency and met by the individual. Cognitive domain Describes learning that takes place through the process of thinking�it deals with facts and knowledge. Credentialing the umbrella term that includes the concepts of accreditation, licensure, registration, and professional certification. Credentialing can establish criteria for fairness, quality, competence, and/or safety for professional services provided by authorized individuals, for products, or for educational endeavors. Credentialing is the process by which an entity, authorized and qualified to do so, grants formal recognition to, or records the recognition status of individuals, organizations, institutions, programs, processes, services, or products that meet predetermined and standardized criteria. Distributed education includes computer and web-based instruction, distance learning through television or video, web-based seminars, video conferencing, and electronic and traditional educational models. Health Screening A test or exam performed to find a condition before symptoms begin. Screening tests may help find diseases or conditions early, when they may be easier to treat. Licensure the act of granting an entity permission to do something that the entity could not legally do without such permission. Licensing is generally viewed by legislative bodies as a regulatory effort to protect the public from potential harm. In the health care delivery system, an individual who is licensed tends to enjoy a certain amount of autonomy in delivering health care services. Conversely, the licensed individual must satisfy ongoing requirements that ensure certain minimum levels of expertise. Medical oversight Physician review and approval of clinical content and matters relevant to medical authority. These simulators have realistic features such as chests that rise and fall with respirations, pupils that react to light, pulses that can be palpated, etc Post graduate internship and/or experience Experience gained after the student has completed and graduated from school. Practice analysis A study conducted to determine the frequency and criticality of the tasks performed in practice. Preceptor A clinical teacher or instructor who is responsible for evaluating and ensuring student progress during hospital and field experiences. This individual typically has training to be able to function effectively in the role. Primary instructor A person who possesses the appropriate academic and/or allied health credentials, and understanding of the principles and theories of education, and required instructional experience necessary to provide quality instruction to students. Psychomotor domain Describes learning that takes place through the attainment of skills and bodily, or kinesthetic, movements. The registration agency is also responsible for gathering and housing data to support the validity and reliability of their product. Regulation A rule or a statue that prescribes the management, governance, or operation parameters for a given group; tends to be a function of administrative agencies to which a legislative body has delegated authority to promulgate rules and regulations to �regulate a given industry or profession.

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The authors identifed 259 reports of rash developing within 42 days after vaccination generic 800mg sevelamer free shipping gastritis diet �������������. Of these sevelamer 400mg otc gastritis from alcohol, 3 were inadequate samples cheap 400mg sevelamer free shipping alcoholic gastritis definition, 4 were negative for varicella virus generic sevelamer 800 mg on-line gastritis symptom of celiac disease, 32 were wild-type varicella virus, and 5 were vaccine-strain varicella virus. Described below are 13 publications in which vaccine-strain varicella was demonstrated in the skin in individuals after vaccination. However, the vaccine was either not that used in the United States, it is unclear which vaccine was used, or it is unclear that the rash was disseminated beyond the dermatome in which the vaccine was administered. Eight of the children experi enced varicella developing 21 to 87 days postvaccination. This report is included in the �primary infection� section despite the length of days (up to 87) in which the rashes appeared because these children were immunosuppressed. It is likely that primary infection could manifest itself with a different time course than that of normal healthy children. In children receiv ing chemotherapy the treatment was suspended 1 week prior to vaccination and 1 week after vaccination. The authors reported fever, lymphadenopa thy, malaise, back and joint pain, and vesicular rashes after vaccination. Vesicular lesions developed between 18 and 36 days after vaccination in 5 of the 52 children immunized. Vaccine-strain varicella virus was dem onstrated, by restriction endonuclease analysis, in vesicular fuid isolated from two of the fve children presenting with vesicular rashes. In the three remaining children either no virus was demonstrated in vesicular fuid or specimens were not obtained. Maintenance chemotherapy consisting of 6-mercaptopurine and methotrexate was sus pended before and after vaccination. Vaccine-strain varicella virus was demonstrated in vesicular fuid by restriction endonucelase analysis. The authors report that rashes were more common in children receiving chemotherapy than in those who completed chemotherapy. Varicella virus demonstrated in eight children was determined to be vaccine-strain varicella virus in three children and wild type varicella virus in three children by restriction endonuclease analysis. Of the children, 53 were no longer receiving chemotherapy while chemotherapy was suspended in 138. Two of the 53 children no longer receiving chemotherapy and 49 of the 138 children whose chemotherapy was suspended developed rashes after vaccination. Vaccine-strain varicella virus was demonstrated in two of these children by restriction endonuclease analysis. They reported that vaccine-strain varicella virus was demonstrated by restriction endonuclease analysis in rashes in four children undergoing maintenance chemotherapy. After the enrollment had increased to 307 children with acute lymphocytic leukemia, Gershon et al. The authors reported maculopapular or papulovesicular rashes developing about 1 month after vaccination in three children not receiving maintenance chemotherapy and 100 children receiving maintenance chemotherapy. Vaccine-strain varicella virus was demonstrated, by restriction endonuclease analysis, in eight children. When enrollment had reached 437 children with leukemia in remission for 1 year or more, Gershon et al. As reported in the previous publications, for those patients receiving maintenance chemotherapy, therapy was suspended 1 week before and after vaccination. Seven of the 65 patients no longer receiving chemotherapy and 149 of the 372 patients whose chemotherapy was stopped for the vaccination developed rashes. Vaccine-strain varicella virus was demonstrated in 17 of these children by restriction endonuclease analysis. In leukemia patients maintenance therapy was suspended 1 week before and 1 week after vac cination. In patients with solid tumors the vaccine was administered in the middle of a 4-week interval in their therapy. Vaccine-strain varicella virus was demonstrated in a vesicle in one of the eight children. In the remaining seven children, wild-type varicella virus was demonstrated in four and no virus was dem onstrated in three. The authors reported cases of injection site complaints and rashes developing after vac cination. Of these nine specimens, eight were wild type varicella virus and one was vaccine-strain varicella virus. He was given the varicella vaccine as part of the vaccine study de scribed by Gershon et al. Maintenance chemotherapy was suspended for the week before and week after vaccination. The 3-year-old sister of the vaccinee developed vesicles on her face and trunk 14 days after the vaccinee was hospitalized. Furthermore, 16 days after the vaccinee�s hospitalization the 22-month-old brother of the vaccinee developed vesicles on his scalp and trunk. Although vaccine virus was not demonstrated in the vaccine recipient, this report is included because the siblings developed a rash associated with vaccine virus.

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  • Tingling or numbness
  • Have you been exposed to any fumes?
  • Medicines to treat symptoms
  • Liver disease
  • Symptoms, including weight loss, fever, and night sweats
  • Systemic (bodywide) JRA involves joint swelling or pain, fevers, and rash. It is the least common type.
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