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By: William A. Weiss, MD, PhD

  • Professor, Neurology UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA


It is important to buy ezetimibe 10 mg with visa xenical cholesterol understand that by a patient caused by the the placebo effect by itself is powerful enough to buy generic ezetimibe 10 mg total cholesterol hdl ratio diabetes produce benefits ezetimibe 10mg otc cholesterol ldl hdl. If a person psychological belief that a believes that certain foods or supplements will improve performance trusted 10mg ezetimibe high cholesterol fat foods, that belief can treatm ent is effective. Many athletes believe that ergogenic aids such as amino acids, co-enzyme Q-10, and creatine will give them a competitive edge. Despite various claims, however, there is little scientific evidence that they offer any benefits, and they may be harmful. These products often are marketed without any scientific research to validate the benefits or reveal the harmful side effects. Some products go on and off the market before studies are done to establish or refute their claims. Worse, ingredient lists on some products occasionally are altered to support untruthful claims! Prosecutions and other legal actions for these practices on the behalf of consumers can take years, and the seller can reap their profits during the delay. Traditional magazine advertise ments, television infomercials, signs posted along the side of the road, and Web page ads all encourage the belief in wonderful nutritional discoveries. Promises of increased ener gy, improved endurance, and overnight weight loss are lavishly displayed to the public. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter remains: There are no quick and easy ways to do any of these things. But hope is not lost—performance and health can be improved by exercising, by eating a balanced diet, and by replacing fluid losses during exercise. Steroids Anabolic steroids are a class of natural and synthetic (manufactured) substances that are related to the major male sex hormone, testosterone. Anabolic steroids pro mote growth of muscles, and can make bones stronger and reduce body fat. This means they cause male characteris tics, such as male patterned baldness, facial hair, and deepened voice. However, because of their chemical structure, steroid precursors can be converted into the major female hormone, estrogen. These precursor steroids are rapidly converted into active hormones when taken, which can result in masculine (androgenic) traits, and are commonly used for their principal anabolic effects. These sub stances are related to hormones produced in the adrenal gland as well as the ovary and the testes. In October 2004, a bill voted on by Congress and signed into law by the President outlawed the sale of most of these substances in the United States. Abusing anabolic steroids can lead to dramatic changes in one’s body and emotional well-being. However, some studies have found that creatine does not improve strength, sprint performance, or body weight, while others state creatine supplementation offers short-term limited benefits. Therefore, the foods an athlete consumes on the day of train ing or competition do not really affect muscle performance because the glycogen has not had time to reach the muscles yet. So, although powering down high-protein foods on the day of an event won’t enhance strength or endurance, it is important to plan to eat an appropriate pre-exercise meal on days when performance is critical. A proper pre-exercise meal prevents hunger during exercise and helps maintain an adequate blood sugar level. Exercising on a full stomach should be avoided because food that remains in the stomach during exercise can cause indigestion, nausea, and possible vomiting. It takes approx imately an hour for the food to empty from the stomach into the intestines, although nervousness (such as pre-game jitters) can make this process take longer. To avoid indigestion or nau sea, the size of the meal should be reduced the closer to the time of the activity it is consumed. A big plate of pancakes is okay 4 hours before the event, whereas a small bowl of cereal with low-fat milk and juice or fruit is more appropriate an hour before exercise (see Figure 6-22). It is a good idea to experiment with pre-exercise meals in a prac tice environment before trying them under event conditions. High-fat, high-protein foods such as eggs, bacon, and hamburgers, and fried foods such as doughnuts and French fries are not digested quickly. High-carbohydrate items such as cereal, pan cakes, fruit, and pasta are the best choices because carbohydrates are quickly digested. Some athletes eat sugary foods (candy or soft drinks) right before exercise for quick energy. Most of the energy for exercise comes from foods people eat in the days leading up to an event. Eating during practice or competition doesn’t help performance, but it is vital to stay hydrated by drinking fluids before, during, and after exercise. Sports bars, bananas, and sports drinks can be used to supplement the athletes’ energy needs during periods of physical activity. It is a tradition for some athletes to indulge in a pre-event meal of steak and potatoes. Although this type of meal will do little to affect the athletes’ physical performance in a positive way, engaging in such a tradition may boost performance from a psychological standpoint. So, if a meal of steak and potatoes is chosen as a tool to provide motivation a few hours before the event, that’s okay—just make sure to trim off the fat, exchange the butter for margarine, and add some fresh fruit!

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Pumpkin seeds Traditionally ezetimibe 10mg with mastercard cholesterol guidelines 2013, pumpkin seeds (Curcubita pepo) have been used as an herbal remedy for tapeworms and roundworms proven 10mg ezetimibe cholesterol levels low hdl. They have been shown to generic ezetimibe 10mg mastercard cholesterol niacin immobilize and help expel intestinal worms and other parasites cheap 10 mg ezetimibe overnight delivery cholesterol za niski. In order to be effective, great amounts would have to be eaten, up to 25 ounces for adults. Two or three hours after consuming the pumpkin seeds, a laxative is often recommended to help clear the bowels. Grapefruit seed extract Grapefruit seed extract is active against viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and yeasts, and has been used extensively for the treatment of parasites. Grapefruit seed extract is generally considered nontoxic and is not absorbed into the tissues, which means that is can be used for up to several months. This is especially beneficial for giardia and candida yeast, which can take a longer time to kill. Carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash are some foods that are high in beta-carotene; a precursor for vitamin A. If stomach acid is low, supplementation to improve digestion may be beneficial, such as betaine hydrochloride. Detox Detox and cleansing is believed to be one natural approach to ridding the body of parasites in the stools or embedded in the intestinal walls. Natural supplements include psyllium husks, citrus pectin, papaya extract, bentonite clay, activated charcoal, pumpkin seeds, beet root, and flaxseeds are some of the substances that can be used. Vomiting is the forceful elimination of the contents of the stomach through the mouth. Retching is the movement of the stomach and esophagus without vomiting and is called dry heaves. Causes Nausea is controlled by a part of the central nervous system that controls involuntary bodily functions. Vomiting a common after effect after nausea is a reflex controlled by a vomiting center in the brain. Vomiting can be stimulated by various triggers, such as smell, taste, anxiety, pain, motion, poor blood flow, irritation, or changes in the body caused by inflammation. Up to 85% of women normally have one or more troubling physical and emotional symptoms between the time they ovulate and the first days of their menstrual period. Other popular theories are decreased levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine causing elevated levels of the hormone prolactin, abnormal metabolism of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins, adrenal gland dysfunction, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. However, the absolute levels of estrogen and progesterone are often within a normal range, even though hormonal treatment with natural supplements or conventional drugs may be effective. Intake should not exceed 200 mg/day and should be divided into 50 mg doses spread throughout the day. Signs of toxicity include tingling, numbness, and decreased sensation in the hands or feet. If used long-term, twice as much flax seed oil should be used to maintain the optimal balance of oils. Magnesium the mineral magnesium appears to benefit women with cramps, mood swings, depression, fatigue, breast tenderness, and water retention. Magnesium may work by promoting dopamine production and indirectly inhibiting activity of the hormone prolactin. People with heart or kidney disease must consult a health practitioner before taking magnesium supplements. Calcium the mineral calcium may be beneficial for women with premenstrual cramps and moodiness. In one 3-month research study comparing calcium supplements to a placebo, women taking calcium supplements experienced fewer premenstrual symptoms in the second and third months of usage. Ratings of mood, water retention, food cravings, and pain were significantly decreased. Chaste Tree (Vitex Agnus-Castus) Chaste tree, one of the most popular herbs for premenstrual syndrome, is recommended for breast pain and tenderness, infrequent menstrual periods and ovarian cysts. Chaste tree also lowers the secretion of the hormone prolactin possibly by binding with dopamine receptors and decreasing the output of prolactin-releasing hormone. Acupuncture In traditional Asian medicine, the liver is the organ that is most affected by stress, anger, and frustration. Stagnation of liver energy and blood by emotions, alcohol, and spicy and fatty foods can lead to breast tenderness and abdominal bloating and cramping. Acupuncture, exercise, expressing emotions, and breathing exercises can help to relieve stagnation. This is especially useful for bloating and swelling of the hands and feet, breast tenderness, and dizziness. Eliminate caffeine, which can aggravate anxiety, depression, and breast tenderness. Exercise Regular aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling reduces anxiety, pain and water retention and improves concentration and mood. In one study, the frequency but not the intensity of exercise was associated with a decreased rating of premenstrual symptoms. Relaxation Breathing exercises, meditation, aromatherapy, and yoga are some natural ways to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Many women feel more assertive and attuned to their needs in the weeks before menses. This can be used constructively by allowing personal time to relax, expressing emotions, and giving priority to your needs and what nourishes you.

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The anterior side of the forearm con tains muscles known as the flexors: flexor carpi radialis buy 10 mg ezetimibe cholesterol ratio hdl, flexor carpi ulnaris discount ezetimibe 10mg without prescription cholesterol in deviled eggs, palmaris longus buy ezetimibe 10 mg without prescription cholesterol hdl ratio normal value, and flexor digitorum profundus buy 10mg ezetimibe with mastercard cholesterol and stress. The posterior side of the forearm contains the extensors: extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris, and extensor digitorum (see Figure 16-45). The muscles of the wrist and hand are Transverse controlled by the median, radial, and ulnar carpal ligament (flexor nerves. The radial and ulnar nerves run along retinaculum) side the bones for which they are named and Median Carpal canal nerve end at the wrist; the median nerve, however, continues on through the carpal tunnel of the wrist and extends into the palm of the hand (see Figure 16-46). The ulnar, radial, cephalic, and basilic veins transport blood from the hand, back up the fore arm, to the heart and lungs for re-oxygenation. Like the nerves, the radial and ulnar blood vessels run parallel to the radius and ulna. Manual Muscle Tests for the Wrist and Hand Extension Strength Test for the Wrist: (See Figure 16-51. Compare the strength between the involved and uninvolved sides, and note any differences. Weakness on one side indi cates potential injury or deformity to the flexor carpi radialis and/or flexor carpi ulnaris on that side. Weakness on one side indi cates potential injury or deformity to the flexor carpi radialis and/or extensor carpi radialis on that side. Compare the strength between the involved and unin volved sides, and note any differences. Weakness on one side indicates potential injury or deformity to the mus cles of the finger on that side. Weakness on one side indicates potential injury or deformity to the muscles of the finger on that side. Place another finger on the lateral aspect of one of the ath lete’s adjacent fingers. A common injury to offensive linemen, skate boarders, rollerbladers, and ice skaters, a Colles’s fracture may cause a loss or reduction of hand and wrist functions, crepitus, swelling, and in severe cases, loss of sensation. A fracture of the navicular, also called the scaphoid, is usually caused by falling on an outstretched arm. The signs and symptoms include point tenderness in the anatomical snuffbox, swelling, and pain with extension. Located at the base of the thumb, the navicular is the slowest healing bone in the body because of its limited supply of blood. Therefore, a fracture that decreases the already limited blood supply to this bone may lead to nonunion of the bone at the fracture site. A detailed discussion of the treatment and prevention of fractures may be found in Chapter 14. Dislocations and Subluxations Dislocation of the wrists and phalanges (fingers) is usually caused by a direct blow from a ball, or as the result of falling on an extended hand. Players of these sports can wear gloves and wrist guards to help prevent such injuries. Contusions Like all contusions, finger contusions are usually caused by direct blows. This can be extremely painful because of the pressure of the blood underneath the fingernail. If this occurs, the athlete should see a physician to have the blood drained from beneath the nail. Sports that carry an increased risk of contusions to the hands and fingers include basketball, volleyball, and football. Gamekeeper’s thumb is a sprain of the ulnar collateral ligament, or the medial liga ment of the thumb. The mechanism of this injury is usually contact that forces abduction of the thumb, resulting in stretching or tearing of the ligament. Bend joint line at the base the entire thumb down at a 45° angle and of the thum b to assess the abduct the thumb. Other ligaments of the pha langes can be tested in a similar way by applying varus and valgus stresses to the individual ligaments of the fingers (see Figure 16-60). In assessing the degree of injury, always compare the injured side with the uninjured side, checking the uninjured side first. See Chapter 14 for the signs, symptoms, and treatment of various degrees of sprains. Signs and symptoms of such impingement include point tenderness, pain with and without motion, numbness, and possible loss of strength. Athletes such as baseball players, javelin throwers, bowlers, tennis players, racquetball players, Phalen’s test gymnasts, and swimmers are most likely to be affected by such impingement. Tingling and/or numbness in the fingers indicates nerve impinge ment at the wrist on that side. Tendonitis Tendonitis in the wrist, fingers, and thumbs is most likely to be caused by repeated stress, or overuse. Tennis play ers, bowlers, discus throwers, and other athletes who make repeated motions of the wrists and fingers are suscepti ble to tendonitis in these areas. Place one of stretching or lengthening your hands around the athlete’s fist of the thum b tendon to and apply isometric resistance as the assess the possibility of athlete flexes the wrist downward in de Quervain’s disease, an ulnar direction. Pain in the or tenosynovitis of the involved side indicates tenosynovitis thum b tendon.

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The leadership role’s primary function is to generic 10mg ezetimibe otc cholesterol test cape town effect change; thus generic ezetimibe 10 mg with amex cholesterol qr, the community health nurse becomes an agent of change purchase ezetimibe 10mg without prescription colesterol ideal en mujeres. They also seek to purchase ezetimibe 10mg visa cholesterol quantitation kit influence people to think and behave differently about their health and the factors contributing to it. Research role In the researcher role community health nurses engage in systematic investigation, collection and analysis of data for the purpose of solving problems and enhancing community health practice. Research literally means to search and/or to 38 Community Health Nursing investigate, discover, and interpret facts. All researches in community health from the simplest inquiry to the most epidemiological study uses the same fundamental process. Communicate the findings the community health nurse identifies a problem or question, investigates by collecting and analyzing data, suggests and evaluates possible solutions and selects and or rejects all solutions and starts the investigative process over again. In one sense, the nurse in gathering data for health planning, investigates health problems in order to design wellness – promoting and disease prevention for the community. Settings of community health nursing practice the types of places in which community health nurses practice are increasingly varied including a growing number of non-traditional settings and partnership with non-health groups. Introduction the term “Health care delivery system” is often used to describe the way in which health care is furnished to the people. Classification of health care delivery system is by acuity of the client’s illnesses and level of specialization of the professionals. It is oriented towards the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention of 41 Community Health Nursing disease, the management of common episodic disease and the monitoring of stable or chronic conditions. The client or the family manages treatment with health professionals providing diagnostic expertise and guidance. Secondary care level: It involves the provision of specialized medical services by physician or a hospital on a referral by the primary care provider. A patient has developed a recognizable sign and symptoms that are either definitively diagnosed or require further diagnosis. It is oriented towards clients with more severe acute illnesses or chronic illnesses that are exacerbated. Most individuals who enter this level of care are referred by primary care worker, although some are self referred. The physicians who provide secondary care are usually specialists and general practitioners. Tertiary care level: It is a level of care that is specialized and highly technical in diagnosing and treating complicated or unusually health problems. Patients requiring this level often present in extensive and complicated pathological conditions. The illness may be life-threatening, and the care ordinarily takes place in a major hospital affiliated by a medical school. Clients are referred by workers from primary or 42 Community Health Nursing secondary settings. The health professionals, including physicians and nurses tend to be highly specialized, and they focus on their area of specialization in the delivery of care. The other classification of health care delivery system is: Preventive: is aimed at stopping the disease process before it starts or preventing further deterioration of a condition that already exists. Rehabilitative: is aimed at lessening the pain and discomfort of illness and helping clients live with disease and disability. Some nurse theorists have conceptualized the nursing role as being focused on sustaining care and preventing disease. However, the work role of nurse practitioners and home health care nurses would probably span all three of these orientations. The nurse must understand and remember that the preventive services are also popularly categorized as primary, secondary, and tertiary preventive health care. Levels of prevention Primary prevention: refers to the prevention of an illness before it has a chance to occur. Protection against illness 43 Community Health Nursing Primary preventive measures apply before a disease manifests with sign and symptoms. This allows for prompt intervention and possibly a cure of a disease or condition. It is directed 44 Community Health Nursing forwards health maintenance for patients experiencing health problems. It deals with rehabilitation and return of client to a status of maximum function within the limit posed by the disease or disability and preventing further decline in health. Factors affecting the delivery of health care services Several factors have contributed to the growth and complexity of health care delivery system. Health care as a right In this country access to health care is the privilege to the rich. Technological advances Today advances in technology has so far made an increasingly dramatic changes on health care. Better diagnostic tools assist in recognizing conditions while they are treatable. Renal transplant, bone marrow transplant are becoming common treatment procedures. Rising Consumerisms Consumerism is the public expectation that it will have a voice in determining the type, quality and cost of health care. Previously the health – care system operated fully on the assumption that the health professionals physician and nurses knew what was best for the patient and should make decision for them, now there is steady increase on the patient expectation, and demand to be involved in health care decisions and thus new relation is developing between consumers and the health care providers.

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With accommodation buy 10 mg ezetimibe with amex cholesterol zits, the spincter-like ciliary body contracts buy 10mg ezetimibe amex cholesterol levels green tea, the zonules relax discount ezetimibe 10 mg without prescription cholesterol know your numbers, and the lens relaxes and becomes rounder (thus more powerful) order 10mg ezetimibe mastercard definition cholesterol hdl ldl. You’re going to have to think that one out a few times and look at the drawing in this chapter. It also produces aqueous fluid that inflates the anterior chamber and nourishes the avascular lens and cornea. Too much glucose will switch the lens metabolism from anaerobic glycolosis to a sorbitol pathway. Sorbitol buildup in the lens creates an osmotic swelling that changes the lens power (the round, swollen lens makes images focus in front of the retina, thus the patient is temporarily near-sighted). All lens systems have chromatic abberation because the different colors of light bend differently. This means that images don’t focus perfectly on the retina – the blue component focuses slightly in front of the retina, while the red component slightly behind. Tinted glasses limit the spectrum of color that hits the retina, and makes images appear sharper. Many cataracts are large, and this bulk can push the iris forward and predispose to angle closure glaucoma. Also, end-stage cataracts can leak proteins into the aqueous fluid and the resulting inflammatory cells (macrophages) can clog the trabecular meshwork. You need to know the cornea curvature (because the cornea performs the majority of the eye’s refractive power) and the length of the eye. With eye surgery, we create a hole in the anterior capsule and suck out the inner nucleus and cortex. The outer capsule is left behind to serve as a pocket to put the new implant into. This is an “after cataract” that forms on the back surface of the posterior capsule after successful cataract surgery. These tend to occur more often in diabetics and those on steroids, and tend to be visually significant because of their posterior position. It’s doubtful that you’ll come across many eye questions on your medical boards, but it’s always possible. All of the background knowledge needed to answer these questions can be found throughout the prior chapters and I’ve attempted to keep the difficulty at a student level. To save you from excessive page flipping, I’ve listed the answers after each question. You may want to put your hand over the answer box as you work through these problems. Viral conjunctivitis usually starts in one eye, but hops to the other eye as it is very contagious. Bacterial conjunctivitis can occur bilaterally, but of the available choices is most likely to occur in just one eye. Tell him to (b) find his senior resident/fellow/attending immediately and call you back if they still want an eye-consult. Many patients have large myopic (near sighted) eyes with resulting large optic disks and disk “tilting” from the angle at which the nerve enters the back of the eye – these are physiologically normal variants and are not concerning for glaucoma. A young 23-year-old black man presents with a hyphema in the right eye after blunt injury. For patients with hyphema (blood in the eye) advise them to avoid straining and sleep with their heads elevated to allow the blood to settle. Use steroids to decrease the inflammation and a medium-acting cycloplegic to dilate the eye for comfort and to keep the inflamed iris from “sticking” to the underlying lens. With any eyelid cellulitis, you must determine if the infection is pre-septal or post-septal. While chemosis is certainly seen with orbital infection, a proptotic bulging eye is even more indicative of orbital infection. Other signs include decreased eye-movement, pain with eye movement, and decreased vision. What location for a retinal detachment would be most amenable to treatment by pneumatic retinopexy? Rhegamatogenous detachments are the classic detachment occuring from a break in the retina. A pneumatic retinopexy is the technique of injecting a gas bubble into the eye that floats and tamponades the break. Gas bubbles require careful head-positioning and work best for superior breaks (patients can’t stand on their heads for weeks for inferior breaks). A mother brings in her two-year old child because she is concerned that her baby is cross-eyed. Spectacle vision can help anisometropic eyes fuse images properly and correct the alignment problem. This condition should be treated promptly, via spectacle correction, and possibly patching the strong eye to avoid amblyopia – if the crossing doesn’t correct with these measures, then you proceed to surgical options. A child may maintain good vision in each eye if he/she learns to cross-fixate (switch eye dominance depending upon what direction the child is looking). There is no point in waiting until adolescence – you want to avoid an amblyopic eye and give the child a chance to develop good stereopsis at an early age. Which of the following is the biggest risk factor for primary open angle glaucoma? Everyone has diurnal eye pressure changes, and there is some evidence that glaucomatous patients have larger shifts in their pressure throughout the day. Large optic disks aren’t concerning, though large cupping of a disk could indicate nerve fiber loss from glaucoma.

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